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Everything posted by philip_carlo_jorgensen

  1. I do not know how to make a direct link to a specific photo of mine, but if you go to my page and click on the button "most admired" and look for a photo I have called "Drip drip drop" that is one example of trying to put it on sale but having no response from anybody.
  2. An example: Philip Carlo Jorgensen | photo.net
  3. I tried long ago with some of my photos. Never heard from any potential buyer;)
  4. Thank you for your kind words. So you are a nice person after all. The beginning of a perfect friendship.
  5. Thank you Gary, I’m only happy to be able to contribute to the amusement. Involuntarily or not. I am just a dumb Dane, with Danish as my first language and English something I learned a little about in School a very long time ago. Sorry if I from time to time accidentally happen to abuse your fine language and make a fool of myself. I should probably write and talk less and upload more photos instead. How about you, Gary? Would be nice if you in addition to your verbal stinging funny rebukes maybe also participated with just a few photos on your page? Or just one photo to start with?
  6. ...and expensive is the father of bankruptcy. The phenomenon GAS (Gear acquisition Syndrome) is real and can be a deadly decease, beware....In our country we have very few Pro Dealer stores, and they often go under the name, our "gear pushers". But in all fairness, they actually have an eye on the odd customer, who wanders in buying tons of the best equipment, and everybdoy can see at once, that this person is never going to use it as intended. And the staff actually often try to dissuade the poor guy, who somehow lost all common sense to GAS!...;-)
  7. D500 with 105 mm micro Nikkor at 1/800 sec. f/32 ISO 28800
  8. I guess it varies continually. In the sense that the technology keeps getting better, so today you for sure can get DX cameras with a lot better noise performance than older FX models. According to some (like e.g. Ken Rockwell) the ISO performance of today is so fantastic that you can forget all about using flash, because you'll never need it. I do not quite agree about that...
  9. Wow, nothing bland or color-lacking in that statement. Well beyond what I could have come up with myself, actually. Now I smell gunpowder and leather saddles and sense the rich, warm breath of humour among real manly men by the fireplace aided by a good old bottle of Jack. I shall fumble for my bulletproof vest, just in case...;)
  10. Thanks for your reply, Sandy. So in order to be "a bit more calculated and civil in your speech" you hide your strong opinions? Well on one hand, congratulations there we have our even handed moderator. On the other hand, a bit sad a bit bland a little color-lacking? ;-)
  11. Dear Sandy, Oh, I get it, I get it. If one talks about “snowflakes” and presents some analysis together with some innocent and humorous examples of the unfortunate phenomenon, one is political incorrect and not “nice” and should rightfully be reprimanded, castigated and immediately stopped. If somebody tries to stigmatize others by just calling them grumpy old men unrightfully clinging to power hindering "progress", it is quite all right and well deserved...? I know you want to do a great and conscientious job as a moderator, fair enough. But let’s leave George Orwell and the “Thought Police” from the novel “1984” behind? I’m sure no one gets irreversibly traumatized from such a minor discussion, that even might seem refreshing for some in its (self-)uncensored honesty? I am sure you know which half is, after all, the wisest to believe ;-)
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