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Everything posted by philip_carlo_jorgensen

  1. Admin: Well thanks Admin for your answer. So at least a little bit can be done. Here in Denmark we have a saying though, that goes like, “Opportunity makes thieves.” In other words, wouldn’t it be better to construct the system and software in such a way that abuse is made impossible and you are not at all able to vote for yourself? Is that so hard to set the software in such a way? John: Maybe at first glance it seems absurd to admire your own pictures since there is no chocolate handed out to the most beloved. But I think that the amount of attention your pictures get has an influence on how well they are doing e.g. in the "trending" category. And I guess there is actually at least an indirect effect, voting yourself “up” in the charts, giving other people (and potential customers) a very favorable impression of you: That you must be an awesome photographer since so many people obviously have admired your pictures. And respect leads to orders. And an order placed with one photographer in this way could have gone to in reality a better and more deserving photographer, but it didn’t. Why? because of deception plain and simple. In principle a bad thing – chocolates or no chocoloates, wouldn’t you agree? By the way John, remember earlier this year our little talk about not receiving our prizes for the different competitions we had won? I have still not received my expected three different prizes in spite of reminders to admin from me. How about you?
  2. Or maybe this link works correctly: Philip Carlo Jorgensen | photo.net
  3. I have now tried what you suggested. It seems now that admin/moderator first removed my "admiration" but when I started writing about that also, he put it back on. But maybe now it only possible to place one "admiration" on your own pictures. But it is still possible to applause yourself like crazy and favorite your own pictures. Just look here: Seeking Critiques @ Photo.net - Where Photographers Inspire Each Other
  4. I just found out that you can "admire" your own pictures! and that makes the whole concept of voting irrelevant and rather absurd? Furthermore, several months ago I won prizes in the various competitions. But I did not receive the promised prizes. Even when I mailed a reminder and received a polite answer that they were working on distributing the prizes. All in all everything worked just fine before the great change of layout. After that so many things seems messed up and the members are fleeing in great numbers. Just look at your number of views for your pictures before and then the new ones you have uploaded after the layout changes. Rather empty in here by now, no?...
  5. Just out of curiosity, I tried to "admire" one of my own pictures. And you know what? It worked! But with this shocking fact the whole concept of admiring and applauding etc. now seems rather absurd and irrelevant, don't you think? I hope the technical department behind this site as soon as possible comes up with an efficient solution that makes it impossible to vote for your own photos. Ideally, also makes it impossible to e.g. make several independent fake profiles originating from the same person, so they can not vote for each other ad absurdum et nauseam?
  6. Fred G.: For my part this is the first time i stumble upon the issue. Partly because it is the first time I try to change my avatar picture and biography-text and partly because I am not a particularly avid reader of forum posts.
  7. When I go into my account and upload a new Avatar, it does not change the image completely. Often the old avatar is still shown. And somtimes not. And if I go to "Account Details" and try to change my text in “Your Biography”. The old text still keeps appearing. How to fix that?
  8. Fred G., funny you should mention it. In 2013 I uploaded an image here, calling it "This is not Magritte":
  9. Fair enough Phil S, if you think this particular picture missed its target. But how do you like the idea in general of illustrating quotes? Do you know any examples well executed?
  10. Hi all, I have once tried photographing w/105 mm Nikkor macro and a handheld wireless flash in a public terrarium. It was placed somewhat out of the way in a rural area in Denmark and actually a bit hard to get to. It was very interesting though, but there was not time enough before closing time. And it was sheer luck that I was almost alone in the rooms that day and not together with too many other visitors, because that would have been a very cramped experience and the owners might then have asked me to stop my acitivities all together. 1) Do you know of some public terrariums (in particular European) well suited for photographers and with some especially interesting and accessible insects and reptiles etc. to photograph, and with the possibility of using tripod and/or flash? Or can you recommend a whole different technique? I thank you in advance Philip
  11. I have the same problem. Apparently nobody can see none of my photos!
  12. The 12. of December I received an email from this site that I had won second and third prize in the contest category "COLOR". I felt very happy and honoured but then nothing more happened. Do I have to do something pro-actively to receive the two prizes? I tried a couple of minutes ago to send an email to contact@photo.net asking what I should do, but my email got rejected as "spam." With the site's new (confusing?) layout I cannot find where I can contact admin or anybody relevant in this matter managing the site. Any suggestions what to do? Cheers Philip
  13. If photographng these girls is not part of John's work but strictly his hobby, and he furthermore somewhere stated that they were just "the girls next door" which he met randomly in public spaces or so, can anyone explain to me how I do the same? I mean, to me these wonderful girls are more likely world class models and far from being just "the girl next door." And if I tried to "cold approach" this kind of girls in the street I would end up with far more slaps in my face than consents to such a project ;-) Philip
  14. Fred, why do you have to ask? Apart from the income maybe, compare a job like being a dentist and what he has to look at every day and then contemplate being in John Peri's shoes and what he looks at every day. What would you prefer: rotten teeth or gorgeous looking naked girls?
  15. Congratulations John Peri, you are indeed a very well deserved winner of the contest december 2017 - category Boudoir! I can see that the prize you are receiving is about “Building a Successful Boudoir Business Jen Rozenbaum”. I sort of scratch my neck wondering what on earth Maestro John Peri is going to do with that? I mean, just take a quick glance at John's pictures - and his prize-winning picture is even from the cover of one of his published books! I was so lucky to win second and third prize in the category "Color". I am proud and very thankful, but let me just whisper it in everybody's ears: I'll gladly trade my prizes for just a day together with John Peri watching him work! It looks as if he has the best job on Earth, and he already knows everything about executing it very well! Cheers, Philip
  16. When I enter the page with the results of the competition "Color" I cannot see pictures or names of first, second or third prize.
  17. I cannot find any current contests either. And one of the past contests with the theme "Love" (which I won! ,-) is also missing. Nevertheless I receive these days several email-notofications encouraging me to vote on open contests. What is happening?
  18. <p>Interesting point, Anders. Another thing that strikes me as strange is that my photos often receive e.g. 10 different ratings but there are only 6 visible names. I have barred the possibility of anonymous rating. Anyone who can explain that to me?</p>
  19. <p>To receive ratings can sometimes be a very…eh…shall we say, a surprising experience for me. Maybe there are others who also do not always quite get the meaning/psychology of it all. <br> Sometimes I get the impression that some people vote in a “moral” way, meaning that if the photo is controversial or not pretty it gets a low rating disregarding whether it is an interesting or well executed picture. <br> And also the other way around: Quite often I notice that a picture with e.g. a pretty girl receives higher ratings than a picture with a less pretty girl. But then it is the girl you are rating and not – as it should be on a photo site – the quality of the picture itself. <br> I would argue that good and interesting pictures are not necessarily beautiful pictures portraying gorgeous models hanging around in dull apartments, orange sunsets or flowers with saturated colors. Some of the best photos I’ve seen are ugly. But they are also fantastic and deserve credit because they are unforgettable, well seen, well executed and well thought out. They give me something I did not have before. Whereas many of the sugary pictures only give me pangs of nausea and “mental diabetes” and I learn nothing from them.<br> <br /> At other times I get the feeling that some people shy away from rating “1” or “2” because it sends a signal in your own statistics (Ratings Given) that you have an aggressive or hostile personality. <br> On the other hand I also get the impression that some shy away from giving ratings above “5” because pictures given a “6” or a “7” end up in your statistics called “Photos rated highest by this member”, and for some reason some do not want to endorse/promote others in this way. <br> So I sometimes get the impression that there is too much of a fiercely competitive atmosphere where "the end justifies the means". That is probably also why the site has deemed it necessary not to reveal ratings for a picture until the group of raters is larger than five persons. In order to camouflage who actually voted what. In order to avoid revenge rating later on.<br> <br /> Sometimes I e.g. receive ratings from more or less the same little group of persons over and over again, eagerly dishing out a generous “3” or thereabout to whatever picture I may upload. Why this faithfulness if they clearly do not think much of my pictures? Why do they not just ignore my pictures? <br> Other times I get the impression that one person possess more than one account / identity, and uses them in a coordinated way to either promote or bash in a targeted way. <br> And sometimes I get very surprised when I enter one of my steady rater’s account and see a monomanic “7”-rating given to a myriad of truly mediocre pictures all made by the same other member. A coincidence? An alliance? Double identity? <br> Other times I get the impression of strategic thinking on somebody’s part, when e.g. someone feels that “their” genre or category is being challenged…<br> And sometimes I just get the impression of equipment bias - even to a degree where I think that this site might discreetly be sponsored by Canon having noticed that Canon-equipment and Canon-owners get far more praised than is the case of Nikon. Just watch the equipment pages, where the latest gear reviews of Nikon are actually pretty old and never very favourable. But Canon...oh, oh..<br> And then there is of course myself and my own blindness to the mediocre quality of my “darlings”/my pictures. I guess we all love the thing we do so much that we actually do not want to realize that our work is not as great as we would wish... But again, that does not cancel out my initial doubts about the sincerity and honesty of the ratings dished out sometimes. The motives can indeed be varied…<br> Best regards<br> Philip</p>
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