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Everything posted by c_watson1

  1. You really should shop your plans around at the various Fuji-X forums. Besides, if you're getting the body at a discount, why not pop for the proper Fujinon lenses? Agree with the comment that "adapted" lenses will do the Fuji no favors, IQ-wise.
  2. Seems to be a tasty old bone, these holy relic meter threads...Maybe "Antiques Roadshow" should do a meter segment sometime. Lots of material upthread! Some were nice pieces of industrial design but so few are trustworthy now. Given late 2021 film and processing costs, it's tough to understand why anyone who actually shoots much wouldn't opt for something decades newer.
  3. Didn't see as much "criticism" as I did snarkiness, e.g., "Sally may want to take a Photography 101 class unless the agenda is more important than skills." But then this tone is pretty much house rules for clueless posters who feel entitled to be taken seriously--whatever they outgass.
  4. Talk about a bitter crank! Reading this might wise you up a bit: US photographer Sally Mann wins 2021 Prix Pictet for series on wildfires Don't recall seeing your name on the shortlist, either...
  5. Poignant reminder of the old Russian saying: "Under capitalism, man exploits man; under socialism, it's just the other way around."
  6. I've seen a few older legsets that had a center column option. This looks like one, albeit modified to take a photo head.
  7. Looks to me like it supported a theodolite in a former life.
  8. Right now, winter weather in southern Ontario is a bigger mood-killer than Covid. Shot as much over summer and fall as capacity limits, social distancing, and reasonable restraint allowed. I did miss summer outdoor car shows(all cancelled)and regular meet-ups with a few friends for Sunday morning photowalks in downtown Toronto. Instead, there's newfound pleasure in exploring small towns I usually drove around or through without stopping. No complaints.
  9. Beater SLRs with 50mm lenses seem popular with students at OCAD in Toronto. Two rolls of film for the cost of a disposable...
  10. None of this works if the local film ecosystem collapsed years before. Even it it hasn't, the cost of the camera+processing+printing(b&w !?)+scanning will give pause when phone pix can be shared quickly. Total non-starter for Kodak--again.
  11. If it wasn't for cine film, one wonders how much longer the Kodak Alaris show will go on.
  12. Ilford started stuffing C-41 b&w XP-2 into disposables years ago. Ilford rolled out its little "reusable" 35mm Sprite camera this year and, again, Kodak Alaris is doing the same with its cheesy M-35 "reloadable" toy. Not sure how the target market will react to the trouble and expense of b&w processing in 2021. They're likely not snorting fix fumes at home regularly...
  13. That Kodak Alaris crew is full of surprises... Kodak Unveils New TRI-X 400 Disposable Camera
  14. Seriously, FredG??? From the OT Meister himself?
  15. Nice try Steve but the all-too-frequent OT undertow drowns another thread on PN.
  16. Think you you missed the point, Fred G. A more relevant definition of "candid" suits better: 'of a photograph of a person) taken informally, especially without the subject's knowledge. "it is better to let the photographer mingle among the guests and take candid shots" .' There's street, then there's portraiture, whatever the setting. Obfuscating the two contributes nothing. Did this ever detain Winogrand? Doubtful.
  17. Ancient history, granted, but Jesse Alexander's work and style is ageless: Driven: The Racing Photography of Jesse Alexander 1954-1962 — Robert Klein Gallery The posted shot? If you've ever watched a recent F1 race, this probably the most you'd actually see of a car. Meh...
  18. Not much left for the vulture capitalists to pick off the bones. Seems another lesson in the folly of trusting that suckers will line up to buy an embalmed brand name slapped on an iffy product. Huge QC improvements in Chinese-made manual lenses doomed this kind of reanimation--never mind the shellacing the brand took for the Kickstarter con. Anyone sniff the unmistakable odor of vaporware?
  19. Yup. DSLR scanning offers two main advantages: speed and the ability to focus. Homebrew slide/neg holders aren't that much of a challenge; same goes for camera support and a light source.
  20. The problem with "parts only" junkers is determining which parts are viable. Few sellers bother to test and happily assume something in the box must still be OK. That leaves testing boards and other components up to you. Great if you have(or have access to)the skills and equipment to do that; pure crap shoot if you don't.
  21. Whatever. Drive-by OP, zombie thread. Just be sure to post sources for that cornucopia of Coolscan parts and techs able to diagnose and cure ailing patients, OK?
  22. The old 55/3.5 Micro-Nikkors are hard to beat. The under-loved 40/2.8g Micro Nikkor is my go-to for scanning b&w negs with a D7200. Old Manfrotto copy stand and a light box does the trick.
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