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Posts posted by john_boyd9

  1. <p>@ Arthur <br>

    Thanks for the info <br>

    What is a good price for a used Makina?<br>

    And i tried searching for Arrowsmith on ebay and couldn't find his profile. Can you send me his information? And if anyone else know a seller i can trust on ebay please do let me know.<br>


  2. <p>So i'm upgrading my 7d to a 5d but i also want to get a better MF with a greater lens and something that less heavy and more portable. I found some used Mamiya 7s and 6s on Ebay and also an Plaubel Makina with a 2.8 lens. I don't know why but the Makina seems to grab my interest more compared to the Mamiya's. The pictures i saw on flickr taken with this camera just look superb!<br>

    Do you think any of these are a good deal? <br>






  3. <p>I just checked my email and 4 of my photos have been selected to be exhibited in a gallery on January 30th. Couple students from my school will be represented and I'm one of the ones being chosen. The exhibition is taking place in one of the best galleries in Toronto. Its just amazing how I'm talking about wanting to make it to the galleries and i just get my first gallery experience. What a day and this for sure will be the best Christmas of my life. I still can't believe the fact that I was talking about it and now I'm there. Its like God was reading my posts all along! </p>
  4. <p>@ Mike, Personally i prefer square format. I don't have access to any of those bodies except the Mamiya 7 which i don't think i will get. <br>

    @Arthur, yes i did read his comments and it was very helpful. I don't do my own processing. Do different labs do the processing differently? How can i find a good lab where i live? Is there like any specific type of processing that i should look for? like any specific chemicals and stuff. And most of my photos are shot with a 80mm lens and i find that perfect for my use. <br>

    I was able to do some great close ups (flowers, portraits) with the Mamiya C330, i can't do that with the Mamiya 6 or the W67, correct? <br>

    And thank you both and everyone else who commented on this topic and helped me out. </p>

  5. <p>Thank you everyone<br>

    After a lot of thinking I think i will upgrade my digital camera to a 5D mark iii. That way i have a full frame digital camera that i can use for weddings and later on in my carreer for my business. <br>

    As for the MF, since I want something small I think i will go with either a Mamiya 6 or a Makina w67. The reason i keep including Makina w67 is because of the f/2.8 lens. That is if i find any mint bodies on ebay for around $1000. <br>

    I can also get an Rolleiflex with the 2.8 lens as Mike suggested. <br>

    So between these 3 which one would you go with? <br>

    Rolleiflex with a 2.8 lens, Makina W67 with the nikkor 2.8 lens, or a Mamiya 6 with a 75 3.5 lens?<br>

    Which gives the best image? </p>

  6. <p>Some great tips, Thank you guys<br /> One last question, which of these three have the best optics? W67, 7ii, Rolleiflex? <br /> And does Mamiya 7ii and Mamiya 6 have the same lenses? If the lenses are the same quality, I don't see any advantage to pay that much money for the 7ii when i can get a Mamiya 6 for half the price. <br /> And am i crazy for wanting to buy something like this? <br /> http://www.ebay.com/itm/Excellnt-Canon-7-Black-50mm-F0-95-Lens-Overhauled-Very-Rare-935-/181284778953?pt=Camera_Lenses&hash=item2a356a33c9<br /> I have saved up $4000 and being young and inexperienced I don't think my choices will be helping my photography. It seems like I'm mostly trying to go after my interests. But really am i crazy for for wanting this?</p>
  7. <p>Thanks Mike & John. @John, im glad you like my photos. The main reason i stick with MF is personal interest. I love shooting film, I love the fact that I don't know how my pictures look until i develop and scan it. I love the smell of dark room, i don't know its just i love shooting film. I also prefer square format over any other formats out there. I do have access to Imacon scanners in my school for next 3 years and I think this is a great chance for me to make some amazing prints for the galleries while i can. Then i will get to save up some money and get my own scanner. Another reason that i prefer film over digital is the print quality. I can't make a 40x40 print with my 7d or 5d unless i do stitching. There is also more tonal range with film compared to digital.<br>

    I think a better question for me to ask you guys is this. <br>

    What do these cameras have and offer (Mamiya 7ii, Mamiya 7, Plaubel Makina w67, and the Fuji GF670) that my current cameras (Mamiya RZ, Hasselblad 503cw, Mamiya C330) don't offer? Which camera has the sharpest lens? Which camera gives out the best negative if scanned with the same scanner? Which camera is better for close ups and close portraits? <br>

    I think you guys are way more knowledgable about MF cameras and I think you could best answer the above. I was looking at the pictures taken by Plaubel Makina w67. Is this better than the cameras i already have quality wise? I was amazed by the pictures that were captured with that camera. It might be the film or the photographer but i was surprised that every single photo i saw from that camera had this amazing quality and sharpness to it. </p>


  8. <p>Mike thanks for the response<br>

    None of the photos on my website are shot with the 7D. Almost everyone of those photos is shot with the Mamiya C330. I have made a 40x40 print with the Mamiya C330 scanned at 4000+ dpi using the Imacon scanners and it turned out great. Personally thats not the size i want to sell my work at. Probably 20x20 would be the size i want to go with. I was thinking of getting the 5D so i can do a bit of wedding if i don't make my other goals. On the other hand I want a medium format that i can take with me without the need of tripod. Something that allows me to do some documentary photography as well (planning on heading to middle east and africa this summer).<br>

    I'm still not sure if i should just upgrade my digital or go with either one of these cameras. <br>

    Mamiya 7ii, Mamiya 7, Plaubel Makina w67, and the Fuji GF670. <br>

    I can even get a 5D body with any of the above cameras (used). I was looking to purchase the Mamiya 7ii brand new from B&H for 3400$ but there are some good condition Mamiyas on ebay for 1000-2000$. That allows me to get a 5D body and use the lenses i already have. <br>

    The reason i want to upgrade my medium format is mostly the weight and portability. I'm not sure which of the above has the best lens but somehow i'm in love with the photos I'm seeing from the w67. I'm not sure if any of the camera above have options that makes them better than what i already have other than weight and size. I know you guys have more experience and can help me out. I have already got great tips from everyone. Just trying to make my mind. </p>


  9. <p>Thank you everyone for the tips.<br>

    Is it okay if i share my portfolio here just to get some opinions?<br>

    I would say my style is landscape and vintage portraits on medium format. Some of my pictures have the pictorial feel to it almost like a painting. At least this is what i think my style is. </p>


  10. <p>Personally I'm not comofrtable with the RZ due to its weight and the fact that it feels really bulky when I'm holding it. I have small arms and my hands get shakey when i use a camera handheld for long. The 503cw is not as heavy and allows me to take some photos without the use of tripod but its still not close to a camera i would carry around with myself everyday. I want to have a camera that i can carry around all day. The 7ii on the other hand is closer to a DSLR or even a 35mm that you can carry around. It doesn't look/feel bulky. I have the option to get a Mamiya 7ii or the Fuji GF670. Or i can just upgrade my digital camera but i really don't see what improvement i can get in my digital work (weddings,events and etc) by upgrading from a 7d to a 5d (other than the frame size) <br>

    On the other hand I'm worried I will never make it to the galleries. I'm not sure if my work has the unique quality to make it to the galleries. (My professors think it does), But in the back of my head i'm worried about how i will actually make a living. I'm 24 years old and I think its time for me to find out what i want to do with my photography and the fact that i still don't know and can't figure out makes me worried about the future. Anyways this last paragraph has nothing to do with thread but i thought i should just mention it. </p>

  11. <p>I'm a second year photography student. I started photography with a Rebel XT 5 years ago but eventually i became very interested in film and medium format. I started shooting with a Mamiya C330 and went on purchasing more medium format bodies. I currently have my Mamiya C330 along with Hasselblad 503CW, Mamiya RZ67. For school projects that require a digital camera or for events (making money on the side) i use a Canon 7D. <br>

    What I'm eventually interested is printing my work and selling to to galleries. I'm not a fan of doing wedding or events. If galleries don't work out I'm more interested in doing portraits and studio work and trying to make money that way. But i'm keeping my hopes up and aiming for gallery type of work and going into that direction.<br>

    I have recently become interested in Mamiya 7ii due to its size and the fact that i can carry it around everyday without much of a hassle. This would probably allow me to do more street type of photography and candids. The weight allows me to be able to take images without the use of tripod. On the other hand my digital camera is not the best out there. Its lacking megapixles i need for large prints but at the same going from 18 to 22 megapixles is not that big of a difference.<br>

    I already have two great medium format cameras, do you think adding a third one (mamiya 7ii) would have any benefit over the other two? Should i just upgrade my digital camera.<br>

    I should also mention i will have access to Imacon scanner in our school from next year. As of now i scan with the Epson scanners.<br>

    Thanks in advance</p>

  12. <p>Thank you everyone for the replies.<br>

    So here is another question. I will be shooting tomorrow and what I'm going after is something like this shot. I shot this at ISO800, f3.2,1/40 sec.<br>


    The problem i have with this shot is the fact that i had to use an ISO of 800. Also since I'm using 1/40 sec and the musician it moving a lot its really hard to have the musician in focus.<br>

    How can i solve this without the use of flash? how can i get the musician to be sharp and in focus if i have to decrease the shutter to a slower shutter than what i already shot (1/40) </p>

  13. <p>Thank you all for responding back to my message.<br>

    How can i test my lens to see if there is a mechanical problem with it? <br>

    If there is a problem with the lens would Canon charge me for fixing it? I haven't dropped the lens and have taken a very good care of it. I think i have only used this lens 10 times in the past 2 years. Its almost like brand new lens. I'm very tight on budget, I don't really have the money to spend on fixing this lens.</p>


  14. <p>Hello Everyone<br>

    I have a Canon 70-200 f4 IS. I have recently noticed that 99% of my images shot with lens becomes blurry. The images tend to be blurred more at the top and the bottom of the image and the middle seems to be more focused. I have included a candid shot of my friend taken from a distance (she didn't want her face on the picture). As you can see her knees seem kinda in focus but her shoes is blurred. <br>

    What is causing this?<br>


    I shot this photo at 1/400 sec; f/4.5; ISO 500 - Canon 7D<br>

    I tried bigger aperture (7.1) but my image is still getting blurred at the bottom and top of the image. <br>

    Thanks in advance</p>

  15. <p>I actually want a camera that i can take underwater pictures with. So the ziplock bag won't do me any good. <br>

    Thanks Rob, ill look into the TG-820<br>

    Right now there is a deal for Pentax WG-3 and it seems like its a capable camera for both outdoor and underwater use. </p>

  16. <p>I'm looking for a digital point and shoot. As much as i love film, for this trip i rather go with a digital camera. <br>

    Basically the 3 cameras i mentioned are the ones i have in mind. I'm also thinking of the <br>

    <strong>Pentax WG-3</strong><br>

    Its a bit over my budget but i don't mind paying extra if there is a significant difference in the quality of images. </p>

  17. <p>I'm going to cuba soon and I don't want to take my laptop with me. Is there an small machine or something like a small external hard drive that allows you to put the memory card from the camera inside, so you can save it all and have a chance to take more pictures instead of taking few memory cards with you?<br>

    Thanks in advance</p>

  18. <p>Hello all<br>

    I'm travelling to Cuba in two weeks an i'm planning on getting a small point and shoot. I don't want to take my 7D around sand and risk any damages since it's my primary camera and the one i use for my business. <br>

    I'm tight on budget and basically want something under $200.<br>

    These are the 3 cameras i found within my budget. Any thoughts?<br>

    <strong>Sony Cyber-shot Dsc-tf1</strong><br>

    <strong>Fujifilm Finepix Xp60</strong><br>

    <strong>Nikon Coolpix S31 10mp</strong><br>

    Thanks in advance</p>

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