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Posts posted by john_boyd9

  1. <p>Do i really need a Hoya R72 filter? is there a big difference? its just too expensive and a bit late since I need to present 4 images by next week. I have to take some photos tomorrow with what I have and hope for the best. I live in Toronto and there is snow and ice everywhere. So cedar trees are only trees i can find to shoot and I drove around for 2 hours to find cedar trees not covered in snow. I think the problem is i'm not getting direct sunlight on the trees. <br>

    Here are couple of more shots. I seem to be getting closer to the IR effect in these shots. <br>



    Any suggestions on how i can improve these? Can i shoot anything else other than cider trees? Urban landscape maybe? </p>


  2. <p>Hello<br /> I'm trying to do my project for school using infrared film and filter. But somehow i'm not getting the infrared effect. Someone please tell me what I'm doing wrong<br /> I'm shooting with a Hasselblad 503cw with an 80mm lens with a R72 Filter and Rollei/AGFA Infrared 120 ISO 400 film. I'm shooting at f16 at 1s. I send the film to a photo lab that processes infared film here in Toronto since I don't have the knowledge and equipment to process it on my own. All my shots look like a normal black and white photo. None of them look like infrared photos and this is driving me crazy. I have a project I need to finish next week for school and i just don't know what I'm doing wrong. <br /> http://i60.tinypic.com/8wi39h.jpg<br /> Thanks in advance</p>

    <p> </p>

  3. <p>Thanks Q.G. de Bakker<br>

    Ended up getting the Manfrotto 055XPROB Tripod w/ Manfrotto 804RC2 Tripod Head and i used it today and i really like it. Its a bit heavy but once again thats not a problem because it just makes me feel more relaxed about putting a 5000$ camera on it.<br>

    Thanks to anyone who helped out </p>

  4. <p>Thank you for all the info and beautiful pictures.<br>

    I don't process my own film. I sent it out to a lab. I heard that processing IR is same as Black & White photos. Is that correct? Do i necessarily have to process the film on my won to get the desired results? <br>

    And sorry if this is an stupid question but does cold temperature influence the process of taking the picture. I will be probably shooting for couple of hours in -10 to -20 temperature and i'm not sure how this film reacts to cold temperature. </p>

  5. <p>thanks, i will try this on my 503cw and hope to get the same result. I really want to experiment with panning on my shots. Let me just make sure i understand this. So basically i have to take two photos. One with the panning and one without moving the camera and then combine the two on photoshop. Is that correct? And lets say i shoot at sunset, what would be the ideal shutter speed to be able to do some panning?</p>
  6. <p>this is the film im using <br>


    @ludwig, i assume you are using the same film. Do i have to load the film in complete darkness? can you post some examples of your infrared shots?<br>

    @chris walker, how do i know what iso to set my light meter to?<br>

    And lastly i heard there is a focusing shifts when taking infrared photos. How do i get sharp in focused images? </p>

  7. <p>Thanks Les<br>

    I'm actually doing my final project on infrared so i have to shoot film. I'm shooting on my hasselblad with the 80mm lens. I heard that the Rollei/AGFA Infrared 120 Black and White Infrared Film can be loaded in low light. Can you or anyone else confirm this? I know some infrared films such as the Kodak one have to be loaded inside complete darkness but apparently not the Rollei. </p>

  8. <p>Hello All<br>

    I'm wondering if anyone have any thoughts on how this picture was taken?<br>


    Heres the page, i'm pretty sure thats not vaseline on the filter. The pictures I have seen with vaseline on a filter don't look impressive at all.<br>


    <p> </p>

  9. <p>I ended up taking it to a camera shop. All it needed was a metal sheet to release one of the bolts which was stuck. He didn't charge me and it took him less than 5 minutes to fix it. Lesson learned! Don't loan the camera. Don't try to fix anything yourself with a knife and damage the tripod mount. And lastly invest on a good tripod for the whole family members to use!<br>

    Anyways thank you all for taking the time and trying to help me out.<br>

    One last question. Any good tripod head & legs on B&H you recommend for my hasselblad? Something that is not too expensive, I'm a student and im very tight on budget. I will be mostly using my hasselblad outdoors shooting landscapes and architecture.<br>

    I'm ordering some other stuff (film & filters) from B&H so i prefer to purchase them all together and pay for the shipping all at once. So any recommendations from B&H tripod collection? </p>


  10. <p>See there are two bolts with this tripod head. One of the bolts went inside the hole under the camera preventing it from turning. So there is no way to turn this thing because one of the bolts opened up and went inside the camera mount hole. There is no way to open this with turning. If it was one bolt i could easily turn it and open but the tripod head is something like this<br /> http://thumbs.dreamstime.com/z/camera-tripod-head-3393257.jpg<br /> the only different is in my case both bolts are metal. If one one plastic maybe it would break off while turning.<br /> I'm thinking of taking it to the camera shop right now.</p>

    <p>@<a href="/photodb/user?user_id=282122">Q.G. de Bakker</a><br>

    http://imageshack.com/a/img690/7139/xmlf.jpg<br />http://imageshack.com/a/img594/3514/gi0u.jpg<br />http://imageshack.com/a/img13/8337/a8xz.jpg</p>

  11. <p>Guys please help me out!! My brother used my hasselblad 503cw for a shoot tonight and he attached a regular tripod head to it and he came to my room freaking out! I'm freaking out too. I already damaged the tripod mount on the actual camera trying to use force to open the tripod head. What do i do?<br>

    I have attached some pictures. </p>




    <p>Please someone tell me there is an easy way to fix this. </p>


  12. <p>Hello All<br>

    I want to experiment with infrared film on a medium format camera (hasselblad 503cw) for a school project. I'm planning on buying Rollei/AGFA Infrared 120 from B&H. I'm very new to infrared photography so I'm wondering if i need a filter for my hasselblad in order to shoot an infrared picture? Can i go on without a filter for my lens? <br>

    Thanks in advance</p>

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