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Everything posted by john_boyd9

  1. <p>Hello Everyone<br> Someone is interested in purchasing one of my pieces for her home. She wants my print for a wall and she wants the width of the print to be 70 inches.<br> The question is can i even print this big with a 25 MP file (6144x4096) <br> This is the image she wants me to print for her at that size.</p> <p><img src="http://i59.tinypic.com/2enls9x.jpg" alt="" /></p>
  2. <p>Thanks<br> How i do i set my white balance? What do I set it to? I have basically never done a video on my camera so I'm not even sure how setting up a white balance on a DSLR works. I'm using a Canon Mark III. </p>
  3. <p>Thanks guys<br> I'm not doing a photo, i'm making a video hence not being able to use my alienbees. I tried shooting with the modelling lamp on my alienbees and I have to use a very high ISO to get the desired effect. <br> Paul I'm sorry about the pop-ups. It was free image sharing service. Ill make sure to use another website next time. </p>
  4. <p>Thank you for the info guys.<br> This is a photo from behind the scene of one of these shoots.<br> Any idea what kind of light he is using? <br> http://i61.tinypic.com/hv14k3.jpg<br> Can i get similar lighting at homedepot? I'm tight on budget and probably have to return the lights after my shoot.</p>
  5. <p>Hello guys<br> Any idea what kind of light he is using? <br> http://i61.tinypic.com/hv14k3.jpg<br> Can i get similar lighting at homedepot? I'm tight on budget and probably have to return the lights after my shoot. I'm shooting a video of ink in water and need similar lighting but I only have an alienbees with modelling light which is not strong enough for this type of work.</p>
  6. <p>Not really photography or video related but do you guys know what kind of ink might have been used in these videos? Any idea how the light should be placed and what setting would be the best to shoot something like this? I will be using a Canon Mark III.<br> http://www.wimp.com/waterink/<br> I got some food coloring but it's not really giving me what I'm looking for. Any thoughts what kind of ink is used? </p>
  7. <p>@Bill<br> Thanks Bill, I will check them out<br> @Mathew<br> Thanks for the Info Mathew, Do you know if they ship to Canada? </p>
  8. <p>What is a good website to print photo books? A website that preferably has templates or indeisgn presets. I have been using MagCloud which is great for small book but since I'm making a book for my final project I need something with better quality and more cover/paper options. <br> Any suggestions?<br> Thanks in advance</p>
  9. <p>Yes I have been to Manhattan and New Jersey. My sister lives in New Jersey. But I never got a chance to go on adventures around the city. What I'm thinking of doing after i graduate is to open up a business. I have had few exhibitions here in Toronto so going into that direction and producing that kind of art work is another interest of mine. <br> What are the best schools both in NY and CA? </p>
  10. <p>I will finish my undergrad in photography next year (i'm in Toronto). I want to do my masters but I'm not sure if I should do it in CA or NY. CA has lower cost of living and has a nice weather and since I'm a big fan of landscape photography CA has more to offer in that regards. My sister lives in NY, and I have a cousin in CA so I have someone to help me out when i first move to either one of these cities. <br> Now the big question is which one has the best masters program? </p>
  11. <p>Thanks everyone, I emailed my professor and explained to her what happened and she told me to just change fix the white balance in camera raw. So it's all good. I wasn't planning on cheating, I was just wondering if there is a way to use the custom white balance after I have taken a photograph. I don't know how you guys came up with that conclusion that I want to manipulate the RAW file. Just because someone mentions it doesn't mean I will do it. <br> and WW, John Boyd is not my real name. I had an account here before with my real name but i can't access the email i created the account from and I can't login to it so i created another account with another name. I explained this in one of my first posts in this site.</p>
  12. <p>@Howard<br> I understand that, but she just mentioned that she wants to see the raw files and wants to see that it was shot in custom white balance along with aperture/shutter and other info. </p>
  13. <p>Hello All<br> So i was shooting my project for school today and i did a grey card white balance for one of the shots but I think i forgot to save it and it stayed on Auto throughout the shoot. The image I took is now on auto white balance. Is there anyway to change this inside the camera? Because my teacher will be looking at the RAW files. Is there anyway to change the RAW file to the custom balance inside the camera or in post production and still be saved as a RAW file? <br> I'm shooting with a Canon 5D Mark III </p>
  14. <p>Thanks Lex. I offered him $100 i will wait and see if he accepts. <br> There are few other postings that are cheaper.<br> Here are few, not sure how good these ones are..<br> http://toronto.craigslist.ca/tor/pho/4658317716.html<br> http://toronto.craigslist.ca/tor/pho/4599963727.html<br> http://toronto.craigslist.ca/mss/pho/4645172311.html<br> http://toronto.craigslist.ca/yrk/pho/4658603292.html</p>
  15. <p>can anyone confirm if this is a good deal? <br> <a href="http://toronto.craigslist.ca/tor/pho/4641369707.html" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">http://toronto.craigslist.ca/tor/pho/4641369707.html</a></p>
  16. <p>what do you guys think about this local posting, does it seem like a good deal? <br> http://toronto.craigslist.ca/tor/pho/4641369707.html</p>
  17. <p>Thank you all for the great information. I will go over each reply during the weekend. Just wanted to add that I live in Toronto. I mostly shoot 6x6. Mamiya C330 is the camera i mostly shoot with. I recently also purchased a 503CW Hasselblad which I will be shooting with in the coming weeks. The reason i wanted to have a enlarger that projects on the wall, is because I'm trying to make something for school that requires me do something big with the use of enlarger. I would love to process my own film but I'm not sure how this is done. Is there a video tutorial that explains the steps? I don't shoot 35mm, i either shoot medium format or large format. What chemicals do i need for processing? How much does it cost? What equipment do i need and where can i purchase it from? Sorry i keep asking too many questions..<br> I would also love to know which printing process gives the best quality prints. print gelatin silver vs gum bichromate vs platinum palladium and etc. </p>
  18. <p>I'm a photography student and I want to start printing on my own as a hobby. I mostly shoot medium format. I first want to learn about printing so I will probably learn processing some other time. Now my question is what enlarger should i purchase? I'm looking for something cheap since this is my first enlarger and I'm also tight on budget. I heard some enlargers allow you to project the film on the wall. That would be a plus! <br> Also what kind of chemicals would i need? What paper gives the best results? I have done this in school before but every time its all ready for me on the table. <br> This video was the main reason for me to become interested in doing my own printing. Her prints just look amazing.<br> Thanks in advance</p>
  19. <p>The artist wrote this explanation<br> "This print was made by weaving 20 individual 5"x48" strips of Ilford RC photosensitive darkroom paper. I first assemble the paper (under a darkroom safelight) in a weaved pattern to the size of 4ft.x4ft. & then project my negative into the paper as it hangs on the wall. Then I bring the print to the studio floor and apply developer & fixer. After it's done with the chemicals I then take it outside and wash it with a garden hose. After it's dried, I then used photo bleach, sepia, selenium, stains, & inks."<br> my question is how does he project the negative into the paper thats hanging on the wall? and how does he apply developer and fixer? </p>
  20. <p>Hello Everyone<br> Recently i have seen something called silver gelatin weave while searching on the web. The images seems very interesting to me. I'm not familiar with the process and I was wondering if someone could explain this to me. This is something i would love to experiment with. I know a bit about silver gelatin processing from what i learned in school. <br> Is there a tutorial that teaches this?<br> https://c1.staticflickr.com/3/2898/14307408264_228251f3d1_z.jpg <br> https://c2.staticflickr.com/6/5326/9432347570_aeae31fc08_z.jpg <br> https://c2.staticflickr.com/4/3702/9360247469_493f6bbccd_z.jpg </p>
  21. <p>There is an app on iphone that allows you to do patterns on your image. This app is only available on iphone. If this was something I wanted to do on photoshop how would it be done? Or is there any similar app (on computer) that allows me to create something like this?<br> http://i58.tinypic.com/wlq5j4.png</p> <p> </p>
  22. <p>Guys please help me out!! My brother used my hasselblad 503cw for a shoot tonight and he attached a regular tripod head to it and he came to my room freaking out! I'm freaking out too. I already damaged the tripod mount on the actual camera trying to use force to open the tripod head. What do i do?<br> I have attached some pictures. </p> <p>http://i39.tinypic.com/3127gie.jpg<br> http://i42.tinypic.com/27xikjl.jpg<br> http://i40.tinypic.com/344ee0i.jpg</p> <p>Please someone tell me there is an easy way to fix this. </p>
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