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Image Comments posted by andy53

    Morning Flight


    Thank you for your very kind words.

    Also i see you visited my "backyard" The Bruce Peninsula here in Ontario.

    We spend most of our summers up there.

    And yes the Canadian pets are very tough..... just like my friend Laurent stated it on your Kajak image.

    Thank you again for you interest in my work.

    My best wishes.


    Early morning


    I left this for last.

    Of all my uploads this one is pretty close to be my proudest moment.

    The Mallard just resurfaced and his head still have some water on it which would freeze if he wouldn't dive again and again, those guys are soo hardy it is amazing. The Goose in the center is my image maker, just thinking to jump in that cold icy river to have his morning bath sends goosebumps all over me.

    Funny i went back this morning to take better shots / trying to learn from my mistakes../ but because it wasn't too much wind last night these guys settled down for the night in a haphazard way on the same spot but facing all directions so it didn't look interesting at all.

    Funny how much one learns in the field..

    Thank you again.

    My best.


  1. Thank you!

    I ran out of ways to thanking you for your kindnes and support in my work.

    Yes it was cold but it is a lot of fun when you get home and hardly can wait to see the result of getting up in the wee hours and freeze my nose off....

    Thank you again.

    Promise i will spend more time on the site and offer my two cents and ETC....

    just like before.

    Take care.


    Blue Jay


    Thank you again for your usually kind words.

    You see this is the situation when i'm not sure of things. I think i missed the tail and the left foot of him and that is why he looks at me sideways.

    Thanks again for the reassurance.

    My best regards.


  2. I missed you! You always make me smile. I realy like reading your kind words.

    I missed your cheerful remarks on my works../ i know it was my fault,i didn't post anything for a long time.../ but hopefully i'm back for good.

    My favorite place is the Springbank Park here in London for this guys, oh yes and the Mallards and the Geese and the Hawks and and... so it is a great place. All those frozen scenes i posted in the last few days are from there too.

    Morgan /grand/ and i going to the park fairly often. The other day was a little sad. We saw a Red Tailed Hawk on the ground posing for a photo...

    I took the shot than i noticed he just killed a squriell and she was still holding it in his talons that is why he didn't flew away... that put a damp on the little one's mood..

    But that is life.

    Thanks again for your continuoing interest in my work.

    My best regards.


  3. Thank you for your very kind words.

    Yes it was cold. On this trip i didn't even have one shot of the falls, i had this type of mood in mind for a long time. Have a few more in the file waiting for processing. My wife had a great hope for the Bird kingdom..... what a disappointment it was....

    We had a quiet Christmas season at home we had our granddaughter over for new years eve and we were in bed shortly after midnight.....

    Hope your season was more festive.

    Thank you again for taking your time to see and complement on my work.

    My best wishes to you and your loved ones for the new year.




    Hi MIchael

    Warm and cool in the same time.

    How cool it is? Sorry i couldn't resist.

    You knew i would like it, I like order, symmetry and colours, maybe a little caos sometimes. This image has all of that..

    Thank you for sharing.

    My best regards.





    Hi Michael

    This one made me stop.

    Like the balance the symmetry the soft tones.. i wouldn't try to open the doors dough....

    My complements.


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