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Image Comments posted by andy53

  1. Thank you for your very kind words. Please forgive me for not being too active in the critique forum or just in general not able to do my share lately.

    I'm retiring the end of the month............

    So I will have the time for all of this so thank you for your patience.

    My best regards.


    The Wink.


    Owl, hm, hm, not bad, now i see it.. of course i saw it before. Looks like you and i have the same idea about this things my friend. Mind you, i was thinking of a nice lady behind the mask in a Carnival in Venice. I will settle for the Owl.....

    Thank you again for your very kind words and interest in my work.

    My best wishes as always.


  2. This is another one of your well thought out compositions. As i mentioned earlier i admire your uploads but i still can't decide which part is more exciting the titles or the image itself. You have a fantastic imagination and it shows in your work.

    My complements.




    Yes you are right the cats are in a different dimension all themselves, all our life we got two or three of them around in the house. I found them very valuable when they diffuse a bad situation just being there and looking at you with their love in their eyes....

    My best wishes.


    '57 Spearhead!


    I didn't know you are making abstract images beside your usual great outdoor shot of the harbor and your local environment.

    This is well executed image, i see a space ship descending towards earth.

    My complements.




    As usual, you are right about a cat and a reptilian. The cat in the image is our cat Smokey as you can see his eyes in my other uploads.

    My thoughts were, when a feline predator hunts it tries to use every angle to catch diner, so thru evolution  he will be able to change his spots into reptilian scales at will, so he can hypnotize his pray like a snake would. 

    Thank you for your very kind words.

    Best wishes.


    Dragon's Den


    First, thank you for your very kind and encouraging words.

    Welcome back you too my friend.

    On my wife's insistence i made a few " real " shots of some herons and crickets and such while up in the Bruce and posted some of them but you are absolutely right i think creating abstract images is more challenging but also more rewarding... you noticed i'm using a cheap / 250.00 dollar / Fuji finepix bridge camera which deffinetly has its limitations that i always try to push further with mixed results.

    Try to keep your interest with more posting, i'll retire at the end of the month so i will have a lot of time on my hand...

    My best wishes to you my friend as always.



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