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Image Comments posted by michelle_hunt



    Hi everyone. I am new to photography and would like a critique on this

    image (and all of them in my gallery :) ) I have problems with

    exposure and realize this is over exposed and the whites in the

    horse's neck and shoulder blown out. I would like any editing advice,

    and thoughts on the composition of this picture. Thanks!



    Hi everybody. I am new to photography and often struggle with exposure issues. I realize this is somewhat over exposed and my whites on the horse's neck and shoulder are blown out. I would appreciate any tips on exposure and editing and opinions on the composition of this image.


  1. I definitely agree with the brightness of the gravel! So, I am guessing with subjects I can't get close to I have to create a better DOP with editing? I actually had blurred the background in this some already.



    They are quite similar. It seems I get the best ones of the females. I have taken more than 3,000 hummer shots since I started in January. At least now I am only taking about 100 a day. It was really getting out of control, and it is MUCH easier to delete now LOL

    Beep! Beep!


    I am enjoying hearing and learning from everyone here! Please feel free to comment on any (all) of the photos I upload in my gallery. Thanks, again!



    I really am grossed out by lizards, but found myself taking pictures

    of one, anyway. I would love opinions on composition, lighting,

    exposure, and anything else you would like to mention. I am new to





    I don't know enough about photography to tell you why I think this is one of the best under shots of a hawk I have ever seen.....but I love it. It is too bad it took you so long to get it. There are a few here I chase down the road with my point and shoot from telephone pole to telephone pole on a regular basis, just hoping to get one decent shot!

    The Rabbit Hole


    Hi everyone! I would appreciate any opinions and comments, along

    with any editing advice on how to improve this image.


    Thanks in advance!



    Beep! Beep!


    Thanks for the link! I will definitely check it out! I have so much to learn. SO many pictures....so little time. Hopefully I can improve my photography skills so I won't have these complicated edits to do.

    Beep! Beep!


    I love the second edit! How can I reduce noise in Photoshop 7? I know despeckle, but it never seems to do much, and I can layer so whatever I do to the background won't affect the bird. I still have the original shot if you think I should have more space on the right after I crop more on the left. You guys are fabulous for teaching me!

    When you don't see a bird for critique from me, please check the pets.....LOL

    The Early Bird


    I originally thanked everyone privately, not knowing those who did critiques would take the time to come back a second time. So.......THANKS! It is great to hear what you did right, because if you are new, like me, you have no idea why a pic turned out good. Of course, what you did wrong is helpful, too.  I have a feeling this is going to be my favorite website! :)

    Beep! Beep!


    While shooting hummingbirds in my backyard, this road runner appeared

    in the distance. Knowing their behavior,(they don't all them road

    runners for nothing) I decided to get a couple of pictures and then

    change camera settings. (I have a point and shoot). I got 4 shots and

    he was long gone. I managed with considerable editing to salvage this

    shot from the brink of death, and would love advice on how to improve

    what I have done so far. I have Photoshop 7 and am still learning it.

    Thanks everyone!




    Thanks so much for taking the time to look at and critique my photo. And for the encouragement. I am eager (obsessed) to learn all I can and become better as a photographer.



    Beautiful shot, but I think maybe too much saturation...which could make the sky look off as well. Too tight a crop on the top IMHO

    Gator and Swamp


    I love the clarity and the colors make it creepy, scary, a nightmare! I love the foot in the water because it is such a contradiction to how I feel about getting in that water!

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