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Image Comments posted by michelle_hunt



    Thanks Mr Hayward. Sorry I didn't see your critique sooner....I didn't know that about aperture! I generally keep it as low as I can get it to work with a fast shutter speed to keep my pics from being underexposed. Anything higher than ISO of 200 is too noisy. I can't wait to go experiment!



    Hi everyone! I didn't notice the wasp in this shot until I uploaded

    it....lol. I would love to get some feedback on this one. I am trying

    to work more on composition instead of just a "capture"





    Thanks everyone! All of your comments inspire me to go shoot some more! Although I feel my skills in shooting and editing are improving, sometimes I think it all comes down to luck! I did do a poor job cloning out a tree branch in the background, but I can practice more....LOL

    I have found hummers like to land on branches with no leaves. So I have placed a dead peach tree in a wheelbarrow near the feeder which is helping me get some great shots.



    Hi everyone. I am new to photography and would love to get some

    feedback on this as well as any editing advice. Shot with a Nikon

    Coolpix P 90 (point and shoot)

    Thanks in advance!!





    In my opinion it is too tight a crop on the left and definitely at the bottom where part of his paw is missing. Maybe turn this into a portrait with just head and shoulders? Cute pup!



    Try shooting birds at a faster shutter speed, especially birds in flight. View data on some shots you see that are good and see what settings were used. And practice, practice, practice. Also the wire should be cloned out



    Thanks for all of the comments everyone! I have a version of this where I did a high pass that makes the rabbit look more like the edit posted, but on mine it looked too edited. I do think darkening the ground looks good. I couldn't get any setting to work since it was almost dark, even auto with a flash was crappy. I have a point and shoot and I remembered the scene/sunset setting and used that. This is only the third time I got a chance to shoot one and I can't believe it sat there with the disel engine rumbling and me hanging out the open driver's door LOL



    Hi everyone! I am new to photography and would love to get some feed

    back on this shot. When I tried for a better angle that showed more of

    his body, he bolted :(




    Hi Everyone. I am new to photography and am trying to learn as much as

    I can. would love to get some feed back and editing opinions on this.




    Hi Everyone! I am new to photography and am trying to learn as much as

    I can, including editing. I have a Nikon Coolpix P 90 (point and

    shoot) and Photoshop 7. Thanks in advance for any comments and


    The Girl


    Hi Everyone! I am new to photography and am trying to learn as much as

    I can, including editing. I have a Nikon Coolpix P 90 (point and

    shoot) and Photoshop 7. Thanks in advance for any comments and


    Dances With Horses


    Thanks for looking and commenting everyone! I darkened the entire image slightly....not sure what is going on with the white, or the lighting since I shot this the same time of day I shot the over exposed one.....it's still hit and miss LOL

    Dances With Horses


    Hi everybody. I am new to photography and editing and would love to

    get some feedback on this image. I got this horse to play and he kept

    charging the fence, then stopping at the last second to see if I would

    hold my ground. I did.


    Thanks for all suggestions and tips!

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