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Everything posted by qalam

  1. I have and like very much the SQ-Ai. I have the Ai motorized grip and the metered prism finder. I seldom use the WLF. With the motorized grip, you do NOT need the hard-to-find button batteries in the camera body; the grip's regular AA batteries power the grip AND the camera body.
  2. Arthur, you can find some darkroom chemicals at Henrys, a retail chain with headquarters in Toronto. Shipping is expensive but can be optimized by placing a large order. There Website is www.henrys.com
  3. You could just say that you would like to have some lessons but that you can't afford to pay anything. If they are free, he will tell you. If not, he will tell you.
  4. It was true in ancient Rome, and its still true even when dealing with family and friends. Verba volant scripta manent. Spoken words fly away; written words remain. In modern English: Get it in writing.
  5. Since I'm a regular of the New York, I had already resd the article. What "wider use" is bugging you out? Frankly, the article was too long and repetitive. Here's the digest version: The inventor is a success. Now everyone can take video everywhere. Some record athletic prowess, others practical applications. Many prople make vacation/adventure videos. Others make ephemeral self-portraits. Some take risks. Someday the author says, we will all have a walnut-sized implant that sees and records everything we see. People used to do or try to do all of that with drawings on cave walls in France, with sketch pads and paints, with still cameras and more recently with movie cameras. The peeping Tom who used to climb up onto a tree limb and look into your curtain-less window can now stay hidden in the bushes and send his GoPro up on a drone helicopter and spy on you. Move on folks, nothing new to see here.
  6. I have the 3380 and use Epson inks. Why? Because I'm not penny wise and pound (£) foolish; Because an ounce of prevention is worth a pound (lb.) of cure; Because I don't want to tempt fate. Because the per-print cost of the large 3880 ink tanks is much lower than what I was paying for all earlier ink-jet printers that I had. Technically speaking, its a question of risk management. Risk management is the identification, assessment, and prioritization of risks (defined in ISO 31000 as the effect of uncertainty on objectives) followed by coordinated and economical application of resources to minimize, monitor, and control the probability and/or impact of unfortunate events or to maximize the realization of opportunities. My analysis is that the uncertainty of using 3rd party inks outweighs the modest cost savings and that Epson's record of quality and colour consistency for their inks is stronger than the record of 3rd parties. Maybe there is a 3rd party ink that is superior in all respects, but for me the cost savings is not worth the risk of damaging my printer or the inconvenience of clogging. It's better to be safe than sorry.
  7. It appears that you do have a contract. The emails and handwritten documents (particulary those in the bride's hand), if they are consistent, show a meeting of the minds and are just as much a contract as if all the information had been included in a single written document signed by the parties. Based on your account of the situation, you did what was agreed on and were paid in full. Anything else you might do now would be new work and depend on a new agreement with the client. Next time get a detailed written contract. If the client ia a friend, relative or employer, it is especially important to cover EVERY POSSIBLE detail in a clearly written, ironclad contract.
  8. There is an interesting and somewhat more fact-oriented thread about this subject on the Arstechnica forum: http://arstechnica.com/civis/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=1142113
  9. Clear layout removes everything so that you can start over. Your photos are in your Lightroom catalog but your added text is only in your photo book file. When you did autolayout, the previously selected photos were retrieved and inserted. You could write your text in another app, save and then copy-paste to put it in your photo book. If you do that and something happens before you save your book file or after doing an unwanted clear layout, your text wii still exist somewhere.
  10. Read this: http://www.copyright.gov/fls/fl100.html And this : http://www.copyright.gov/circs/circ38a.pdf. (Especially the list of international and bilateral agreements to whicw France and the U.S. arr both signatories. You can register copyright where you are a citizen or a legal resident or both. In some cases, your ability to collect statutory damages (in addition to proven real damages) may depend on where the document was first registered or first published. In the 167 countries (including the U.S. and France) that are signatories to the Berne Convention on intellectual property, no registration is required and no copyright notice is required. Registration may be useful in proving date of publication and may affect the extent of penalties applied to infringers.
  11. Under the federal Electronic Records and Signatures in Commerce Act (15 US Code 96), known as the ESign Act and signed into law by President Bill Clinton in 2000, contracts between two people can be signed electroniclally, that is signed and then coverted to electronic form by faxing, scanning, emailing, etc. Or even by signing with the finger on a touch sensitive screen in a specialized app. Either party may however require a traditional original signed paper document. The federal statute applies to interstate and foreign transactions. However most states ( perhaps all by now) have similar laws. If you and the B&G are in such a state, the emailed digital photo of the signed contract is binding.
  12. In Canada (unlike the U.S.), a creator's moral rights are fully protected. Here, the artist is claiming that the work was used with changes that damaged the artistic integrity of the original and suggested an association with the TV program that the artist found objectionable. Even if the artist can prove infringement, he may not be able to recover money damages or force Radio-Canada to stop using his altered work. Under the "clean hands" doctrine, courts will not make an award where the plaintiff comes to court with "dirty hands". In Montréal it is illegal to tag buildings without the owner's permission. Since the work was created illegally, the Court could refuse to rule in the plaintiff's favour. Before I retired, I worked in the communications directorate of a department of the Gouvernement du Québec. One year, the government negotiated a licence from a Québec artist to use a painting for the cover of an appointment/meeting book given to all public service employees. After the book was published, the artist claimed infringement of his moral rights because the integrity of the artwork had been damaged by cropping. To get the full-bleed image to perfectly fit the cover, the graphic designer omitted a very narrow strip along one edge that he thought was insignificant. The artist disagreed and received a generous settlement for the damage to his moral rights under Canadian copyright law.
  13. Since you are in the United Kingdom, you cannot put the photos on your Website without the consent of those who commissioned the work. "A very limited statutory right to privacy exists in the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988. This right is held, for example, by someone who hires a photographer to photograph their wedding. The commissioner,[34] irrespective of any copyright which he does or does not hold in the photograph[34] of a photograph which was commissioned for private and domestic purposes, where copyright subsists in the photograph, has the right not to have copies of the work issued to the public,[35] the work exhibited in public[36] or the work communicated to the public.[37] However, this right will not be infringed if the rightholder gives permission. It will not be infringed if the photograph is incidentally included in an artistic work, film, or broadcast.[38]" Source: http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Photography_and_the_law#Photography_and_privacy
  14. *Phan's team told the BBC that the lawsuit "lacks any merit." *"Ultra agreed to allow Michelle to use the music and Michelle intends to fight this lawsuit and bring her own claims *against Ultra," a spokesman said.* If this true, there is a written contract and the contract allows what she has done, she should prevail in court. If she had an oral contract and cannot prove its stipulations in court, she could find herself up the proverbial creek in a lead-bottom boat and without oars. For those who think you can follow what you consider to be the spirit of the law while violating the provisions of the law, good luck selling that argument to a judge. Dura lex sed lex. (The law is harsh but it is the law.)
  15. If it cannot be fixed, there may be a workaround. You should be able to put a single character in the title field. Sometimes, a single space can be used and the title will appear to be empty. Otherwise, you may be able to use a punctuation mark (perhaps a period, hyphen or colon). The last possibility would be a number or letter,but that would be very obvious. If a multi-character title becomes the only solution, you could "sign" every photo with your name (Fred G., photographer).
  16. A B&H video: Everything You Wanted to Know About Copyright but Were Afraid to Ask (75 minutes) http://www.bhphotovideo.com/explora/photography/tips-and-solution/everything-you-wanted-know-about-copyright-were-afraid-ask
  17. Jim's account has been deleted--nine years after he joined. I hope he stayed long enough to read the replies to his post. It's too bad he never found the time to read the site's terms of use. For some reason, this reminds me of a snippet of dialogue from the movie "Clueless": Josh: Do you have any idea what you're talking about? Cher: No. Why, does it sound like I do?
  18. Unless the parents orally agreed to much more than indicated here, all they have done is to ask with insistance to see and have the opportunity to sign or not sign the release. They have not yet entered into a binding agreement of any kind.
  19. Since both cameras are equivalent for her needs and she had a bad experience with a Nikon, the Canon might be more appreciated as a gift. Do you want to take a chance on hearing her say, "OMG, another crappy Nikon!"? Note that I'm making this suggestion as the very happy owner of a Nikon D5100; my previous camera was a Canon.
  20. qalam

    First bloom of the season

    Canon Powershot SX 120 IS1/20 sec F4.0 ISO 200Post processed in PS

    © © 2012 Ben Evans

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