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Image Comments posted by lynnemass

  1. Great capture.  I agree with all the previous comments - love the relationship of the hands, the bored look on the man's face, the elation of the women.  I also agree that the half girl on the right is a bit distracting and you could either crop more of her away or perhaps darken the right side a bit so the attention falls on the 3 main subjects.  The only other criticism I have is that "I wish I had taken this shot!".  

  2. Nice capture and super composition.  What if you lightened and opened up the front where the little girl is and darkened the back.  The way it is now, the viewer's eye is pulled back away from the child to a blurry uninteresting distance and a dill but bright sky.  Try darkening that too.  What do you think?

  3. The contrast of the woman in white and her baby in white is nocely offset by the ladies in black.  Your heavy vignette is distracting - can you lighten it? I like the way the woman is proudly marching through all the activity around her.  You captured that nicely.



    Wonderful DOF and subtle reflections with the pencil point being sharply in focus.  The soft color pallete of the background nicely offsets the colors of the pencil.  Terrific still life.



    Great composition.  Caught my eye from the rest immediately.  And perfect iin BW because it is about the composition and not the colors.  The trailer at the upper right offers added value .  Well seen and nicely captured.



    Beautiful composition, well seen and well composed.  Totally effective in BW.  The fisherperson silhouetted at the bottom right makes the shot.  One nitpicky suggestion - straighten the horizon.  The tonality range from black to white throughout is wonderful.

    Pearly sky!


    The way you centered the road is very effective in emphasizing the beautiful clouds.  The silhouetted treeline is a perfect frame for the clouds.  Well seen and well cropped.

  4. Jack, I have been browsing through your folders and really like your "eye".  This image is a great example of seeing something from nothing.  Of course, the crop and the capture not only display the odd objects that were amssed, but also demonstrate subtle feeling for the geometric balance of the cushions, pipe, circle on the ground, the rectangulkar concrete, etc.  You gave a lot of thought to how you were going to framw this and it shows.  Well seen and well captured!



    Summer time


    Great subject.  Do you think you need all of the bridge on the right?  Perhaps, the viewer would see the swimemrs better wihtout all the bridge.  Try it and let me know what you think.



    I was going to make exactly the same suggestion Larry made.  I think you took this photo because it was all about the clouds, so let them be the main focus of the image and not the blwon out area at the bottom.  The light variations in the sky are amazing.



    Wow - count the triangles.  Wonderful use of shadows and shapes - circles, triangles, rectangles - and so much negative space in the form of triangles.  The geometry is dramatically offset by the human curve and its shadow. So well seen.  Shooting from above is emphasizes the drama.



    Ditto previous comments.  I also like the story this image requires me to develop.  Cutting off the guy's head makes this so dramatic.

  5. The color pallettte and the crop of this image are great.  I especially like it because you can't tell that it is someone else's art that you photo'ed.  Well, at least you can't really identify it as someone else's art.  You have a great eye and I can see your photos gaining sophistication through the last few years.

    Jetty and Bird


    I especially love this little stretch of land in Cape May for teh serenity it provides.  You have captured that sense in this image.  It would be even better if the horizon were straight (just a little picky thign).  The bird offers added value to the scene.

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