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Image Comments posted by carl_williams


    Is the square around her face deliberate, or a bit of photoshop lightening-up the edges of which only show on some monitors? If it's not meant to be seen, then I'd suggest using a much more irregular selection boundary. Nice photo, though.
  1. Thanks for the comment - I've read the comment on your "Empty Sea" re stretching it and wonder now whether I should try this less cropped - it's a 35mm format neg, with extra sea to right and left. Similarly, my Waiting for the winch seems to benefit from a crop from to and bottom, so the lines cut the picture in a diminishing series, and stretching the resulting letterbox format out a bit more - it'd never occured to me to stretch 'em before...


    I don't like this so much. I think it's the eye makeup, and the hands look a bit tense and uncertain. The sitter doesn't look as comfortable as most of your others.



    I don't think the trees work here (for me) - out

    of keeping with the stark geometrical look of the frame thing, but not emphasised enough to make a clear contrast with it, somehow. (i.e. I don't think I understand this shot.) Mebbe it works better without the right-hand tree, so the frame leads the eye down to the lefthand tree, which stands separate?

  2. I like the original, too - I tried cropping this various ways, and I came to the conclusion that part of the drama is the wide view (I really like wideangle shots, though, especially in cities.) I think it looks a touch too enclosed in Juergen's crop, and I like the rail all the way out to the right - perhaps nibbling the left hand side off just enough to remove the flagpole and make the train slightly less central is a better crop, or perhaps it's better as it is, dunno. Very dramatic, whatever. Lovely.

  3. I like the angle and effects but dislike the pixelly cutting-out - another vote for a re-shoot, perhaps on blue or black velvet to get the flat ground (or a more painstaking cut-and-paste job?). Neat concept, though, very spacey sort of feel to it.
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