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Roger G

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Everything posted by Roger G

  1. Roger G

    Warning Signs

    No selfies? No flash? No selfie sticks? Hopefully all three.
  2. Common Goldeneye, Rio Grande, near Taos NM
  3. I sure wish it looked like this right now - i.e. normal winter conditions at 3,000 meters in the Sandia Mountains, New Mexico, USA - but so far we have had virtually no precipitation in several months.
  4. Coopers Hawk Accipiter cooperi
  5. Immature Golden Eagle is quite a handful for this raptor researcher.
  6. Roger G


    This "hole" just happened to shelter a sleeping Western Screech-Owl Megascops kennicottii. New Mexico, USA.
  7. Hi again Keith, I would imagine BDA is about as good as it gets for someone with mobility issues. I would suggest having some sort folding chair. There are lots of places where you could just sit and wait for birds to come by. Especially once that morning chill is over. Although I invited questions on meaning of life, I didn't mean to suggest that I might provide any meaningful answers!
  8. I live in Albuquerque and visit often. *I would recommend pre-booking your hotel as Socorro isn't that big and the Crane Festival sees a lot of visitors. *It can be very cold you really must be properly prepared for that. Hat, gloves, warm jacket, warm pants and warm boots at least. Bring chemical handwarmers and a thermos of something hot. The cold air settles in the Rio Grande valley. Average low mid-November for ABQ is 34 degrees. BDA can be 10 degrees cooler than that. *It's a half hour drive from Socorro to BDA, depending where on the refuge you plan to go. Bring food and drink for the day - there are 2 small restaurants in San Antonio a few mile N of the refuge but they will be busy during the festival *You can park and photograph right by your car. Or from the car, quite often. There are just a few places where you can walk. *The festival gets a lot of people. It's good that you will stay on afterwards. Lots of things to do in ABQ and Santa Fe. Feel free to ask any other questions on BDA, local birding, the meaning of life or whatever. Roger.
  9. J'aime cette idée, beaucoup
  10. Northern Goshawk migrating South for the winter.
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