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Roger G

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Everything posted by Roger G

  1. <p>Easy options for your longer outings, among many other possibilities, you could try:<br> Orlando Wetlands Park<br> Ponce Inlet<br> E shore of Lake Kissimmee e.g. Joe Overstreet Rd off Canoe Creek Rd<br> Merritt Island NWR<br> And get this book:<br> https://www.amazon.com/Birders-Guide-Florida-Bill-Pranty/dp/1878788248/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1477930176&sr=8-1&keywords=birders+guide+to+florida</p>
  2. <p>Normally you set 2 of the 3 variables, then the camera selects the third. Say you set aperture f/8 and ISO 200 in aperture priority, the camera will give you the shutter speed, 1/60th in my example above.</p> <p>Or you could choose speed shutter priority 1/60 and ISO 200, the camera would then select the aperture - f8 in my example, or whatever it thinks gives the proper exposure, depending on light etc.</p>
  3. <p>Are you shooting manual? If so, and you still want to keep the aperture at f/8 you could either use a 2 stop slower shutter speed, e.g. from 1/125 sec to 1/30, or increase the ISO 2 stops [in your case from 100 to 400]. Or do a combination of both, in my illustration speed 1/60 and ISO 200. If using a metered mode, there's something else afoot like backlighting or dialed in exposure compensation. It would be useful to know that, and ideally post a picture. Good luck!</p>
  4. <p>There will be a total solar eclipse August 21 2017. The rather narrow path of totality stretches from Oregon to S Carolina. From Canada, the eclipse will appear partial. Idaho and Wyoming are the nearest states to Alberta where the eclipse will be total. You might want to take this into account, especially if driving from further south. Also be aware that there are plenty of eclipse junkies who will snap up hotels and campgrounds in the area pretty fast. Google for more information.</p>
  5. <p>Looks like Laura is right. Next time I'll wait 'til I'm awake before posting.</p>
  6. <p>Very cool! It's a harrier, I think most likely Hen Harrier, <em>Circus cyaneus</em>. However, I live in the US and am not really familiar with European raptors [unfortunately].</p>
  7. Roger G

    Bird Egg Id

    <p>White-breasted Nuthatch?</p>
  8. <p>The good thing about lots of pockets is, well, lots of pockets. And it's the bad thing too - which pocket holds that spare battery? You have to be well-organized and place things in the same pocket each time. But I have found pockets extremely convenient, much better than hunting around in a bag. I use "cargo" pants and a jacket, mostly.<br> As for brands, you might consider something that does not shout "photographer" especially if you plan to wear them in a city or other place you might be subject to attempts at theft. In the US, Cabelas is one brand I've used a lot. But the camo jacket I mostly use cost me $5 at Goodwill. Make sure the pockets are big enough, and have reliable closures. Zips, velcro, or ideally both? I have sewn steel loops inside my pockets so I can attach cords, especially for GPS and compass, but that could work for photo stuff too. Hope that helps and gets a discussion started.</p>
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