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Posts posted by feodordefemina

  1. <p>The last one I sold went for about $1000 on Ebay, without a lens. It was from the 1920s. A more recent 5x7 would be worth more. There is no new one. They sold out and closed in 1986. Jack Deardorff tried to revive the brand but never really got it going.</p>
  2. <p>+1 for the clothespins. Just dip them in a weak solution of photoflo & hang them. If you use the film hangers they eventually retain a lot of photoflo which will creep back onto the negatives and make the pictures lighter at the edges. Actually a nice effect for 8x10 portraits.</p>
  3. <p>I wanted a 4x10. But concerned about the availability of film, I realized that I could save a whole lot of money by shooting 8x10 and cutting the neg down, unless a vast quantity of film was to be used. Of course if you have to carry it, 4x10 is a lot lighter.</p>
  4. <p>Hi Frankie: I have gone through a period when I had only Commercial Ektars, and another period with mostly Goerz Dagors. Both of those lenses are good, especially for high contrast outdoor work. I tried the G Clarons and found them inferior. The best lenses I have used are the current Rodenstocks.</p>
  5. <p>I have had two of them. Certainly a delightful camera, but the focusing on the distance scale is a nuisance. Otherwise, a real treat. No problem with the shutter stiffness. The big advantage of this camera is that it has no mirror, so it may be handheld at very low shutter speeds.</p>
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