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Image Comments posted by bill_brown8

  1. Hi Jim

    I like your bio.

    A nice variation on the old jetty theme. I'm a bit reluctant to say this because I've known other PN members take serious offence at any suggestion their image could be improved but doesn't it need just a slight clockwise rotational tweak? I'm particularly sensitive to this problem as 90% of my images need this even though I concentrate really hard on trying to maintain a horizontal view.

    Keep shooting.



    Hi Mariah

    Nice start. I also started to take photographs when I was about twelve. The best tip I can give you is to take lots of pictures and try to develop what is sometimes called "the photographer's eye". This means seeing the whole picture and how the bits fit together. Before you take a picture look at the subject, in your examples the friends you were photographing, and then look at the background and everything else in the picture. Now see how they can fit together. Good luck.





    Obviously a subject just begging to be taken. It would have been nice if you could have contrived to have an observer sitting watching the action from the empty bottom left corner. Good capture.



    Very interesting! You are simultaneously drawn towards correcting the colours to bring back the glorious white marble and also drawn to luxuriating in the warmth of the early morning. On further reflection I think we'll leave it as it is. Lovely.

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