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Image Comments posted by bob_t

  1. This was taken during a recent lake kayaking trip. I have a

    waterproof Pelican case that fits only a couple of lenses. I didn't

    have my trusty 300mm. So when I saw this hawk I put on the 70-

    200F4, cranked up the ISO to 400, set aperture priority to F6.3. A

    beached the boat, and walked along the shore, kind of following him

    in the trees and so on.


    At the point I took this shot, I didn't even know he had the

    squirrel. This shot is a 100% crop. I'm disappointed with the

    technical aspects, it was during the middle of the day, and I simply

    didn't have a long enough lens. But I shot what I got, and made the

    most of it.


    Does the subject matter overcome the technical aspects? I don't

    recall ever seeing shot like this.. Thank you for your critique..


  2. I think the color and clarity is superb. I really like the blurred background behind the bird. I would crop off some of the foreground though as it is a bit distracting. I would then darken it some with curves. Nice job.



    Was driving by one of my favorite areas along I-80 (Royal Gorge) in

    the Sierra, and noticed this very unusual snow pattern. After

    thinking about the weather for the previous couple of days, I became

    convinced that this sculpting of the snow was done by wind - kind of

    like how sand dunes are sculpted.


    I thought this composition was interesting. It has kind of

    a "tension" that makes me want to keep looking and trying to figure

    it out.


    Any feedback appreciated, and happy holidays to all you great

    photo.netters! Bob.

  3. I saw this scene on a postcard and figured out where it was. I was

    interested in a sunrise scene - for the west coast. Unusual! I

    headed out there and waited for the light, it was magic just

    watching the light turn to golden orange.


    PS7 save for web desaturated a bit. It was even more colorful in

    real life. All feedback appreciated. Bob.


    Thanks Amey and Michael. Man, I would be pretty LOW if that was a blade of grass! Talk about DOF!!!! I have some other cool shots of this but I thought this one was the most dramatic. I liked the comment about splitting the kinds of clouds. I hadn't noticed that. Bob.
  4. Hi Ian: Thank you for that tip. I'm amazed at the creativity of the photographers that post here at photo.net.


    I appreciate that I get good feedback on my nature shots. Every so often I see a scene that says to me "It's one of those photo.net shots!" I do the best I can and post here. So far, I haven't impressed anyone!


    When I scanned in this slide I thought I had one of those. A cool scene, unusual, well composed and exposed. And this one very human element.


    It was my girlfriend's leg. I can't even quite remember how it came about. No doubt she was walking around while I was trying to compose... A limb popped out and that's where I got the idea.


    I'll keep trying!



  5. I took this shot 20 years ago in Canberra Australia.


    I just borrowed a film scanner and have been scanning in the old

    slides. It is wonderful to see the old images again.


    This is one of my more artsy shots of the period. Hope you like it.


    The location is the sculpture garden at the National Gallery.



  6. Once again, thx so much for the comments. Feedback like this makes the hours of learning feel worthwhile.


    re: Granite Bay. I live just up the street from the lake - the lake on waterbury and the lake where I took the pics - one in the same. Our area is called Weddington. Great place to live, work, raise a family.



  7. With my Fall Color trip cancelled, I had to come up with a backup

    plan. My daughter and I gathered interesting looking leaves, and

    threw them into the lake in the morning light.


    This was one of the nicer ones. Any feedback appreciated!





    Yes, it might look nicer without the lower left leaf [but] this is just a great image. Love the tone and lighting.


    That fact that it was done with a G2 is even more impressive.


    Way to go!

  8. Another Vancouver shot. Ducked into this building to avoid some

    construction over the sidewalk, and found this wonderful lobby. I

    shot several angles, but preferred this straight up shot the best. I

    toyed around with making the lights black or something (a

    distraction?) but ended up leaving them alone.


    Any feedback appreciated.



    Foggy meadow




    This is the kind of photo I have been wanting to make myself lately - a wide angle, with interesting foreground and background.


    I think the foreground lets you down a bit in this shot. That plant isn't quite interesting enough to really draw me in.


    The other thing that could be interesting is the foreground being lit up by a strobe. In a Galen Rowell video I have he shows his technique for doing this. I know understand how he gets many of the shots in this genre that he does (or did, since he just died).


    He uses an off camera strobe, holds it high up and pointing down at the foreground subject. He uses various intensities, and sometimes gel filters, to get a natural effect that is lovely.


    Anyway, very nice place, very good try. I have been in some nice places this summer and have yet to find the foreground/background scenario I am searching for.



    Reflected bluffs


    Hi Michelle:


    I'm afraid I don't have much in the way of suggestion. The fact that it reflects well does not for me make this tree covered hill an interesting subject - sorry! Emphasis on "for me," if it is for you that is great.


    As far as including something in the foreground, that is a look I like, something I have tried to do recently myself. But I believe you don't want it at the lower edge of your image. More like you have something interesting in the foreground, you expose and focus for that, and it also happens that the background is interesting as well.


    With your shot, the rock/bush is more of a distraction, because it draws your eye to the bottom right of the image, then leaves you dissatisfied because it is cut in half.


    Try to find something really good on this bank and try that. Good luck! Bob.

    Reflected bluffs


    Congrats for taking the plunge, Michelle. It isn't easy. But this is a great site for getting real feedback.


    Mine is that this subject is kinda boring. It's a good reflection, I'll give you that, but not anything special going on to capture the imagination.


    But if you like it, that is what it is all about. I would crop off the bottom portion, thus elminating the distracting rock/dirt on the right bottom.


    Sorry I can't be more positive. Keep trying (that's what I do...).



  9. 5:30 AM at the Minaret's Vista point above Mammoth Lakes CA.


    Canon D60. Just a slight curves adjustment and sharpening. This

    image has more "tones" than most I have seen in the genre.


    I moved up and down the slope several times for different

    compositions with the trees in silhouette, and ended up liking this

    one the best.


    It is stunning when printed (love that D60). Thanks for

    ratings/feedback. Bob.

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