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Posts posted by francesco_bertelli2

  1. <p>(using a monorail camera) is it possible to shoot form the side of a river, and compose the photo like you were right in the middle of the river?<br>

    let me explain: do you know the tecnique of avoiding the reflection of yourself in a mirror by moving on one side and then shifting...?... I was wondering if it can be applied on a different context, like a street or a river or so...</p>

  2. <p>Premise:<br>

    what the lens list usually say is the image circle @f22, but they don't say is how the image circle increase or decrease.. there are many occasions when you have particular artistic need and you dont realy care about sharpness or diffraction and you rather use a f5.6 or the opposite a f64...<br>


    there is a formula or a complete list where you can calculate how the image circle increase/decrease when stopping down/up?<br>

    that formula would be useful so i can rent/borrow/buy a lens for specific use if I knows if it fits my need before even try the lens on the field...</p>

  3. <p>James,<br>

    just to clarify, the value 24 and 36 are because you think ina 35mm format right? so they could be<br>

    s1 and s2 where<br>

    s1= height of short side of the frame/sensor<br>

    s2= height of long side of the frame/sensor<br>

    but again, i dont get where 2400 and 43.27 come from...<br>

    also H you meand the height of both objects, auusimg they have equal height<br>

    am I right?</p>

    <p> </p>

  4. <p>I have a Epson v700 brand new and my first color Portra 400nc 8x10 sheets to scan.<br>

    I tried yesterday my first quick scans but i dont get which setting should I use. I'm using Silverfast SE.<br>

    My very first doubt is always, how do I know which are the natural colors? when i shoot outdoor i can't use a <em>GretagMacbeth</em> card... and i don ttrust the pre-setting or maybe should I?<br>

    i also noticed those setting and autoexposure create underexposed area whereas using the HDR setting i can record all the details even in the shadows...<br>

    he problem using 48bit HDR though is the photo is not inverted, but is scanned AS IS, and when you invert it in PS is completly cyan-ish...so in photshop i have no idea how to fix it in a good way...beside playing around with invert>curves> autocolor etc... but i feel my method is not really the good one because i cant colors in all my negs...<br>

    please let me know any advice or website where i can learn more...</p>


  5. <p>thanks guys but my second question is maybe more intriguing:<br>

    Is there a way to know which focal has been used in a image, given the distance between two objects, and their height?<br>

    see this example found on wikipedia<br /><br /><img src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/e/e5/Focal_length.jpg/220px-Focal_length.jpg" alt="" width="220" height="439" /><br>

    if i knew the two cannisters are 20cm tall, and they are 100cm distant each other...how do I know wich focal length has been used and the distance between the photographer and the object in the foreground? Is a way to calculate it using the ratio between the objects on film?<br>



  6. <p>There is any software online to calculate the focal length a photographer used, given you know the height of te building and the distance he shot the image, and the camera he uused?<br>

    let's assume i have an image of the Empire state building and i know the photographer shoo it from 14st (0.9 miles distance) using a 35mm camera...</p>

    <p>what's the formula?</p>


  7. <p>yes, sorry my english, but i meant the amount of rise... i dont really need o include the tops of the buildings and i dont want to use a super wide angle, but just wondering if usually you use all the way up of maybe just 1-inch is enough...<br>

    would be nice to have an online calculator...maybe exists already...<br>

    lens degree coverage | distance from the building | building's height = amount of rise... </p>

    <p> </p>

  8. <p>I already have a 8x10, heavy and "professional", a nd with nice lenses, but i wolud have a cheap field camera to go outdoor for location survey and then come back with the "real" camera...<br>

    what is the cheapest price i could pay fir a used one on ebay or so, excluding DIY...<br>

    i saw some ANSCO on ebay sold for $200...but my concern is they mught need accessories or lensboard impossible to find..?</p>


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