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Image Comments posted by tonyfrench

  1. El, very nice with the men's alternating black and white garments and their near identical gestures, glasses and glances to whatever might have distracted them from their snacks. Well seen and wonderfully presented. 



    Rajat, nice focus on the foreground figures and their shadows. The reflective quality of the light throughout works well, particularly on the fence. 



    Rajat, very nice handling of the light. Nicely composed with the shadow in the upper right leading to the man and the the wonderful details around him. I like the torn apron, the doorknob  on the sidewalk and the hitching post at the left edge facing the figure. 

    Torajan Child


    Anabela, This is a nice moment, with the line of darkly clad legs facing away from the child. The light on the child and her surrounding area is really wonderful. The detail on her face and and clothing also great.

  2. Jeff, it's funny looking at everything that the brush cleaner is useful for. The somewhat crude packaging along with the deep rich tones exude vintage masculinity. It seems to be the antithesis of the numerous representations of the female toilette found throughout the history of art.  

  3. El on both this and number 1 I really like the strong horizontal lines helping to establish the strong sense of depth. Of course the mixture of horse/wagon and contemporary transportation is a nice juxtaposition. The square format with the triangular from horse, car, horse also works really well. 

    # 350


    Lars, I too like the perspective, enhancing the reclining position of the man, but also for the nice view of the patterned floor. I'm intrigued by the writing that has been carved into the one area of the floor. There is a nice use of texture with the floor, wall and the wooden chairs.



    Alf, this is quite lovely. For me the solitary figure makes the image, though it would still be a wonderful landscape without him. I like how the bench seems to be in a large area of mud.  It's almost as if he is waiting for someone to appear from the recesses of the fog. Very nicely detailed throughout and the atmosphere is enhanced by the intertwining branches of the trees. Though this would also probably work very well in B/W, I like the touches of color among all the muted tones.

  4. Pnina, I think we've seen this singer in other photos you've posted. She is very photogenic. I like the space between her and the two softer musicians. Also I like that you didn't show her actually singing, but the pause between phrases, and the full concentration she has listening. She seems very connected to the others though she isn't looking at them. 

    Dune Grass


    Holger, Very nice movement of light across the grass and onto the slats of the fence and it's shadows. I also like the way the light helps define the various textures and the patterns in the sand. 



    Rajat, This is lovely with the two figures almost becoming a part of the mural behind them. The expressions and the way they each seem to be in their own world seems to be in opposition to the joyful colors of the mural. A really nice capture. 




    Drew, This has a wonderful play of color and light. The red circle with the arcs of light leading to the circle of yellows to deep green is quite beautiful. The mainly neutral right edge seems to make the color in the rest more poignant. 



    Rajat, I am enjoying your photos of New Orleans. As Dimitris mentioned, the play of light and dark tones against each other in this is very nice. Also the detail of the window trim and the reflective quality of the glass are add a nice touch to this. 

  5. Wouter, I have enjoyed looking through this series with the frozen canals. The golden light in this one is particularly lovely. I had heard on some news program about a speed skating marathon that takes place on the canals throughout several areas of the Netherlands, but hasn't been able to happen for the last 25 or so years, because the canals haven't been frozen enough. This year the officials were hoping it could happen. I never heard a follow up on the story though. 



    Thank you for your thoughts on this. New Orleans does become a bit circus like this time of year as many street performers tend to converge here as the weather is generally warm and there are lots of tourists. I also wished the dog would have been more prominent in this and do have another shot where that is the case. What attracted me in this one was the triangular arrangement of the figures against the sky and their relationship to the elements on the other side of the river.


    fog lake


    Wolfgang, the tones in this are quite wonderful. The various circular formations are very effective, particularly the ice in the foreground and the way it points toward the group of trees and their reflection. The snowy mist enhances the atmosphere nicely. 

    equine absence


    Richard, this has a nice feel to it. I like the scale of the trees in relation to the shed, and the way they bend and appear to be rhythmically swaying. The color and the mist in the background also work very well to enhance the atmosphere. 

    rome, the mosque


    Andrea, The wonderful tones and play of light and shadow enhance the elegance of the lines of the architecture perfectly. I also like the perspective and think the addition of the two silhouetted figures finishes this nicely. 

    Wishful Thinking


    El, The zig-zag of the walkway through the composition is great. The body language of the man in the water shows his excitement and possibly disappointment that it got away. 



    Sid, I like the atmosphere of this with the light and the various textures of the back wall and brick. I'm not sure what the man is holding in his hand but the two of them seem very interested in it. 

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