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Image Comments posted by tonyfrench

  1. Alf, on this I really like the strong diagonals created by the convergence of the  light and the side of the hill. The presence of the white structure in each of these, while perhaps being a focal point, really provides a human presence and a sense of the grand scale of its surroundings. 

  2. Alf, thanks for pointing me to this one, it does give the best overall sense of place, particularly the way the hills lead to the edge of the water. Also I think the color certainly gives a nice sense of season. 

  3. Pnina, I think the energy and position of the hands in this certainly enhances the drama and the intensity on her face. Also the detail of the harpsichord/piano lid in the background, with it's various angles, is a nice touch.

  4. Jim, the crop provides a nice sense of balance to me and better focus on the girl and gets rid of some unneeded stuff on the left. Now looking at it I wonder if a slight increase in contrast would help to pull her more away from the background. Again just a thought. 



    Jayanti, I also like your POV on this and the repetition of the boats and their shadows. I particularly like the pleasing color palette with it's predominance of the blue/purplish color of the boats and their cargo. The bits of bright pink, orange and blue add a liveliness to it that I like very much. The details of the various elements, especially the ropes, ties and nets, is intricate and nicely done. 

  5. Markku, for me, the bit of red is the perfect finishing touch, particularly the way it leads to the very left shoe that echos the foremost set of legs. The strong shadows from the legs is a nice contrast to the lovely subtlety of the light moving  across the pleated banner.



    Rajat, I also really like the strong light in this and how the bus seems to emerge from it. Your viewpoint and the placement of the people and stacks of papers works nicely in the space.

    museum J.Cocteau


    Andrea, this is really interesting with the black and white pattern of the background and the interesting shapes of the arches. I too like the figure in the foreground with the stark shadow and the figure walking the dog and their precise placement in the composition. I wouldn't say that this looks like an image from any Cocteau film that I've seen, but it seems to have an atmosphere reminiscent of some of his writings, and I could certainly see a Stravinsky opera or ballet in the atmosphere. 

    The Way Home


    Alf, this certainly clarifies my preconceptions of the previous photo. I like this subdued natural feel, with the gradual movement of color from cool to warm. The slight undulation of the ridges gives it a nice swirling feel, which is even more pronounced in the reflection. The white structure becomes more important among the color. 

  6. Amy, I like the different postures/attitudes of the young men, particularly the two in the striped shirts who seem to be doing see no, speak no evil. The contrast looks fine to me. Initially I thought a bit more separation in value of the platform and the sea might be nice, but I quite like how the pattern of the platform separates them. Also I think the dark tones of the clothing works well against the various gray tones of the background. I wonder if the dark spot on the left of the platform pulls my eye toward it too much.

    I have found that uploading images into individual folders using the single image upload and using sRGB mode tends to give a more accurate color/contrast representation than using the multiple image upload method. I'm not sure why the single image upload works better for me. 

  7. Jim, I see why she would stand out among the others, she seems to be having a grand time. I like the color and detail of her headdress. The clarity of her face and costume combined with the slight blur of the hands gives a nice sense of the motion. A possible crop idea might be to get rid of the two heads on the left, which would move her head more off-center, and would balance nicely with her extended arm. That's just a thought as it is nicely done as is.  

    Lines... XIV


    Ruud, I really like the play of lines in this, particularly the way the blue bars intersect with the stripes. The color palette also works nicely.

  8. Sumon, this really is spectacular. i love your viewpoint and the play of light over the landscape and in the balloons. Also I like that there are many still on the ground and only a few in the air. 



    Rajat, I always enjoy this time of morning and the way the light affects the freshly washed streets and sidewalks. You've certainly conveyed this nicely. I particularly like the effect of the washed out sky and the lightness of the upper part of the buildings. The light beneath the gallery is perfectly handled. 

  9. Rajat, as others have mentioned, it has a very nice atmosphere and the Lucky Dog cart is the perfect touch. The B/W conversion is beautifully done and works really well. I wonder about the manhole cover in the center, if it's slightly too bright/distracting?



    Ruud, it certainly does seem to be a mother and son, she looking at him, he not quite looking at her, the identical way they hold their hands. Well seen and nice B/W conversion. 

  10. Pnina, all of these together do provide a nice sense of what the production must have been like. I particularly like the one of Dido on the floor (before she dies), as representing what must be the climax of the opera. 

    The two that you converted to B/W are also beautifully done and are reminiscent of Martha Swope's performance photography.

  11. Jim, I like this with the people in it especially since it's a group involved in an activity and it seems that the light is hitting the area where they are. The cliff and the greenery provides a nice backdrop and also is nicely detailed. Also the addition of the houses enhances the human presence and gives it more of a neighborhood feel as opposed to an untamed nature scape. 



    Rajat, I agree with Mike, the black and white is excellent, particularly the handling of the dark suits against the dark walls. You get a really good sense of the hierarchy of the group. 

    The Boat #1


    Atle, I think the yellow boat amid all the cool tones, and that the light is hitting it really does pull your immediate attention to it. I also think the right side of the image is equally important and not at all empty, it's divide nicely into various tonal and textural areas of the cloudy sky, the mountain, and the shadowed and light areas of the water. 

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