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Image Comments posted by vuk_vuksanovic

  1. i'd like to see just a little more face and i don't think the toning is doing much for you. also doesn't look much like B&W film: what i mean is that it's missing the spatial complexity/atmosphere one typically finds.
  2. carl.


    the shallow DOF is not the problem (in fact, it's the obvious thing to do), the rendering of what's out of focus is. the bokeh here is busy, erratic and intrusive. instead, it should discreetly liquify into oblivion. this is why some people pay big money for leica glass (and the smart ones buy voigtlander or jupiter).



  3. miguel.


    photonet offers no end to laughs these days. if you can believe it, as i write, people are gushing over yet another lightning shot fit for decorating a geeky teenager's wall and, at the same time, giving this masterpiece ratings barely above the average. you've obviously not made the right connections here ;-)





    what elevates this picture to something sublime is that the dogs are actually lining up politely for something i expect would make humans abandon all social conventions.





    the best part is how all 4 of them are looking at something different! the second best part is the guy's exposed sock: the tacky pattern makes it a lovely blue-collar jewel in the crown that is this image. it is also worth observing, while we're on the topic of clothes, how current urban "fashion" is completely at odds with this sort of photography: simply imagine the mess of waistbands, logos, blings and droopy jackets on today's kidz. there is actually a hint of things to come on the back of the rightmost boy.


    not sure if there is more in ian's basement, but there are at least two shots in this folder that would make a nice gallery exhibit titled:


    "mob guys with more important things on their minds than what they happen to be doing at the moment."


    i am of course thinking of http://www.photo.net/photodb/photo?photo_id=868282 as an obvious partner.



    Barbed Wire 26


    most of us who wander about the bad/industrial parts of town have faced simlar opportunities. i certainly have. i have also failed. very well done. vignetting is the perfect touch--in fact, it raises the pic to something quite sublime, as opposed to just very good.







    yes i know i'm really boring with my rotation advice, but please try this at 180 degrees: it will keep the viewer inside the frame (and a lot more).



    Bleeding bark




    as you may know, i am a very blunt/harsh/honest critic and, to top it all off, here you are dealing with precisely my sort of thing. the capture is excellent and you obviously have a great eye. the mastering, although good, leaves a little bit to be desired (for one, the contrast is too real/pedestrian), but that's a secondary issue. you certainly got the first and most important part right.




    Abstract 289


    laurie did nail it, but it was too late at that point: cropping is a sin, framing is the virtue. i will also add that making this vetical is another step forward.







    i liked the "thumbnail" version, but when the pic gets big, i notice the unattractive/cheap tables and chairs that really interfere. given that this is practically a still life and that the documentary qualities of the scene are minimal, perhaps it would be cool to just arrange all of these things (whatever on earth they are) on some rugged old counrty table and have your way. just a thought.



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