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Everything posted by chris_waller

  1. <p>On the strength of my own developing regime for a speed of 250, I would have developed for 11 minutes in Rodinal at 1/50. Given that you actually exposed at 200 I would still have expected reasonably good negs.<br> <br />At what temperature did you develop the film? How accurate is your thermometer?</p> <p>It could be that your dev is going off. I am a Rodinal user of some thirty-odd years standing and have never known Rodinal to go off when properly stored. I am, however, now down to my last bottle of genuine Rodinal (2005 vintage). I intend not to use this last bottle but to keep it, much has one might cellar a good champagne.</p> <p>I am now using 'new' Rodinal, but that made by a&o.</p> <p>Does anyone have any experience of a&o Rodinal re. shelf-life? After the a&o runs out I will then move on to R09 made by KG of Germany. Again, I have no experience of this re. shelf-life.</p>
  2. <p>Ilford FP4 is still far and away my favourite film for most applications.</p>
  3. <p>I'm long-sighted and have a +2 prescription. The eyepiece on my Nikon FMs is, I believe, +1 dioptre so I have a +1 correction lens to get everything sharp. Sadly I can no longer get correction lenses for my Canon F1s so focussing with them is difficult and slow.</p>
  4. Could anyone please tell me what the oxidation product of metol is? And why does it have such a marked restraining effect? I'm currently running trials with D23, which is returning excellent results at a dilution of 1:3, but I want to know more about the chemistry of metol. Thanks.
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