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Image Comments posted by dbasinger



    This was photographed through windows and has been cropped

    quite a bit but it is interesting. Your comments are appreciated.


    We flew to Minnesota for a birthday party and decided to take one camera and one lens (a 16-85mm) for party shots. It was between 15 degrees below 0 and 5 above so when I saw the wildlife in her back yard which would have looked good thru the 300mm that I lens left at home I took pictures anyhow. The birds at the water and feeder were on a porch fairly close to a window that had double pane glass and a storm window and they scattered if they saw me so that's why you won't see very sharp images but they are kind of artistic. Hope you enjoy them.



    Sometimes grown-ups feel this way but it wouldn't be quite as cute coming from us. Her daddy did hug her and she was quickly a happy little girl. Thanks for commenting. Take care, Deanna



    This was displayed high on a pedestal in a candy shop. I changed the background to get rid of gray ceiling and light fixtures. There were other cakes of haunted houses and skulls but I don't think any of them looked very appetizing. Take care, Deanna
  1. Your work has always been fascinating to me because of your expertise and variety, everything from landscapes to household items and some beautiful special effect work. Lately unless we are traveling I have lacked enthusiasm for photography but your interest in my work and generous comments gave me the bug again. My main focus will be to find unique shots and not try to mimic other's work. Thank you so much. Take care, Deanna

    Bryce Canyon

    Thank you. Your comment made me get busy and try to fix the flatness of these shots. If you have time will you please look at my new folder "Bryce Canyon Photoshopped" and offer advice on that work. Always learning. Take care, Deanna

    Thank you. There are several ways to process photos and I was anxious to share the parks as they looked that day and didn't consider that is my memory and not necessarily a good picture. So I have a new folder "Bryce Canyon Photoshopped" with adjustments that seem to make them better. I have learned so much from you and hope you will critique them and advise. Take care, Deanna

  3. I wish there was enough room to include the tree top. This was in a rather narrow area with no way to back up far enough to get it all and the tree was tall. The growing conditions are so harsh in that area that even with a small trunk the tree managed to have a good sized top. I tried to emphasize the edge. Thank you for comments. I will work with this in Photoshop to see if I can improve the flatness. Take care, Deanna


  4. The Grand Canyon lives up to its name. One year we went rafting in the rapids and slept out under the stars at the bottom on the river. The same trip we hiked for 8 hours around the rim and that was not enough. This trip we didn't get to spend much time and our tour took us to the busiest overlook areas. It was a bit crowded and I believe 70% of the visitors were not from the United States. It's wonderful to have an attraction that draws vacationers from around the world. Hopefully you will be one of them. If you come plan to spend more time than the typical tour allows. Take care, Deanna
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