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Image Comments posted by richard_john_edwards



    Jacob, This is somehwta what i was considering, Not sure how you will find it but for me it places a greater influence on the girls face and headwear. (not so easy working on a small Jpeg) I did it in Lightroom, silver effects pro and PS Elements, Just basic dodging burning and contrast changes(same as i would do in a darkroom.)




    Jacob, this is good, however try getting burning down everything to th eleft of her arm in this image, you will find if you darken that all down to a point where it ceases being a distraction, the focus on the dramatic light on her face will finaly dominate and give the image focus.

  1. what i find interesting is that none of the original comments prior to POW have actually adientified what they like about this image or what makes it a good image.
    This images strength is the repetition in triangulation, it is a theme that is repeated throughout the image, from the inverted foreground triangular shapes to the smaller items in the background. The composition helps. the tonal value is also of interest, yet for me it has elements of muddiness, especially in the sky area. It's either well thought out with this objective in mind or just luck, I would like to know if that is what the photographer was seeing.



    Alf, I saw this image on a side bar when looking at one of your other images, It really caught my eye.

    As you are probably aware, i am a great fan of the use of shallow depth of feild. This is done so well with that tool. The clear sharp details of the center of the flower surounded by the soft delicate petals draw me right into its details, the inclusion of the background flower balances the image very nicely.

    Very nice work Alf.

    Regards Richard

  2. GUnnar, Now i am kicking myself i did not sped more timeat this building. YOu havecaptured a great perspective of this building. Onei did not even consider. And that is the great thing about photography, 10 different people will all seethe same scene differently, what you have seen and captured is just great.



    Gunnar, The curve of the arm of the seat is the key to this image. It contrasts the white of the timber slats perfectly . It offers a softening of the tension associated with diagonal lines, and also provides a great tonal contrast. Well seen and so very well executed. 

    Best Regards Richard



    Wolfgang, another wonderful inclusion to your industrial folio, I love the use of repetition here.The right side of the image square cropped makes for a really nice image as well.

    Time & Tide


    I am glad you revisited some of your old images, There are always some jewels left in the box, This is one of them. Great light colour and the inclusion of the solitude man gives great contrast to the scene.

    Captured in Iron


    Richard, I cant for the life of me understand why this is not rating higher. This is well thought out, well captured and very well presented. I will rat eit 6, it is a very good image. Regards Richard

  3. Gunnar, you have used the form , line shape of this architecture to capture an amazing image. The light is great, the color rich and the composition is very original. This is excellent architectural photography.


    I also think this work work really well in black and white, I would be interested in seeing a version like that.


    Best Regards Richard

  4. We have mostly very fine sand beaches, I wish we had them with course sand or pebbles like this, They make for wonderful foregrounds. This image uses that foreground very well.

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