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Posts posted by amir_aziz

  1. <p>For build quality I would have to rate highly and recommend my Pentax ESII and Pentax KX, they have to be my choice of all the spotmatic variants that I've ever had . Both of them feel like they are made from girders, yet buttery smooth. My OM1n and OM2n bodies are close behind but a special mention for my canon FD mount 50mm 1.4 SSC lens. Now that's what I call quality.</p>
  2. <p>I've got to finish shooting a roll of Kodachrome 64 that I saved for my Canon T-90 using a chrome nose 24mm and 50mm 1.4, I can't see me getting any more Kodachrome now that prices have sky rocketed. I thought that Kodak was going to continue to release the film in small batches so that this wouldn't happen.<br>

    Theres's also a roll of Kodak Ektar 100 in a Minolta X-700 ,Ilford PanF 50 in a Pentax 645nII and a roll of Kodak BW400CN in a Zorki 3M. I've got a roll of Ilford XP2 400 for the Zorki when I finish BW400CN.<br>

    I have just finished shooting some Kodak Gold 200 in an Olympus Pen EE half frame. Everytime I glanced at the counter I couldn't believe how many shots I had , the results were fantastic, that little lens is a good one. I know you can do mock retro with photoshop but you can't beat the real thing. Happy days!</p>


  3. <p>cheap amateur kitch fashion photos :)<br>

    who said holga?or even L *m*?? (btw do either of these have a strange smell cos whenever I see their photos, I see alot of dogs having a sniff of the lens, which makes me think that they smell of . .) Anyway,<br>

    almost any P&S camera should fit the bill. Where the T4 and T5 excel over other P&S cameras is when the lens is stepped down for landscapes. For general photography The Yashica's are easily matched by cameras like the Olympus MjuII 2.8.<br>

    How much money are willing to spend?<br>

    Unfortunately or fortunately depending on your point of view because of comments and recommendations on forums like this one(to which I'm about to add . . oh dear), some models hold their value and some models are now priced higher then when they were new. If the MjuII 2.8 fixed lens model is too expensive consider the original Olympus Mju 3.5 35mm, these go for less the £5 and slip easily into your pocket.<br>

    I also like cameras like the Canon Sureshot 2.8, first and second generation. They have the added advantage of using good old AA batteries. The Ricoh 500G is an excellent inexpensive Rangefinder which continues to operate if the batteries die.Finally the Olympus Trip 35, no batteries required at all and it has one of the best lenses put on any point and shoot imho.<br>

    Check the galleries and Flickr for photos taken by any of the suggested cameras to see what kind of look the camera/lens gives with different films to help you decide.After all beauty is in the eye of the beholder.<br>

    If you can stop at only purchasing a single camera, you are a better man then me! They multiply like Tribbles and by the time you figure out how much you have spent on 'cheap' ones you'll realise you could have bought the expensive model you denied yourself in the first place.</p>

    <p> </p>

  4. <p>I would like to know if the lenses you already have are Pentax K mount or M42? If you have M42 I would recommend a Spotmatic F or a SV. If the lenses are K mount then my choice would definitely be between the KX/LX/MX. I favour the KX , it has to be the ultimate Spotmatic/K1000? No surprises I have 2, one in chrome and one in black. Both have proved totally reliable.<br>

    If you decide on a K1000 get the earlier made in Japan version.</p>

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