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pradeep satyaprakash

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Image Comments posted by pradeep satyaprakash

  1. Hi Chitra,


    I don't think that using a smaller aperture would have brought out more detail or sharpness. I was far enough away from the mill (about 50-100 ft.), so that by changing my aperture, I would not have gained anything by the depth of field increase. I used the smallest aperature that I could handhold, since the light was quite low at that



    Regarding using B&W and Sepia, I didn't even think of that, since I was trying to show off the colors and the interesting textures on the walls of the building. You can see another related photo in my portfolio of just the wall. I might go back and try that.


    Thanks for your comments.





    Mark, I've taken the same/similar photos on my trip to Ooty back in 2000. This eucalyptus groves are on the way up the mountain to the Ooty hill station. I remember that there was this typhoon hitting when we were coming back to Bangalore and leaving Ooty. Everywhere these trees had broken and the entire road was blocked at many points. Each time a tree had fallen on the road, we had to wait an hour or so for the local villagers to come and clear the trees. I fondly remember the smell of the forrest when the leaves had been shaken up and the branches/trees had been broken by the winds. Wonderful.
  2. This photo was "made" by not cutting out the bird from the background, but by playing with the levels and curves to basically white out the neutral gray background. The bird was inside of a sun shaded tent sitting on a small tree. Since the background was of an even shade of gray, the adjustment functions were used to remove the background and bring the bird into attention.

    Elf Princess

    Hey guys, I looked at your portfolios and see that you are good at doing PS work. Please do some work on this photo and let me/us know how you did it. Howard, I like your sepia toned/high contrast look.

    Elf Princess

    Thank you both for your comments. I don't do much street photography and this was one of those situations where I saw someone who looked like something I wanted to capture and I asked permission. Of course it helps to have a few $$$ worth of gear around your neck when you ask for permission. In any case, the crop is a bit tight, but I was cutting out a distracting background and so had to be a little aggressive. As for the eyes, she had fairly green eyes to begin with, and when I increased the saturation to prevent her from looking like a dead elf (she had really light makeup which I found unappealing), they stood out. She may have had some type of contacts, since her whole look was of an elf. Thanks for your encouragement and support. I think I'll do more of this type of photography. I am so used to photographing people I know (see the rest of my portfolio) that I found it a bit strange at first asking permission, but once I did it, it was easy.

    Elf Princess


    Saw this interesting looking girl at the Georgia Renaissance Festival

    earlier this month. She really looked like a elvish princess and I

    asked her to pose for me. She gave me a nice smile and post, and her

    hair nicely framed her face. The gaunt color and look is due to

    makeup, she was not sick. What do you guys think?

    Ominous Clouds

    What was interesting Richard was that these clouds cleared up in about 30 minutes after this photo was taken. Of course, it did rain later that day. No tornadoes....that's good.

    Red Stone


    I found this interesting stone in the Natural History Museum in

    Washington DC. The stone looks like cut mutton chops. The color

    fidelity of this photograph is almost what I saw. I enhanced the

    contrast a bit to bring out the details in the stone, but it was

    brilliant like this. Enjoy.

  3. Abraham Lincoln is one my favorite historical figures. I am paying

    tribute with this photograph. For those of you who do not know the

    man, consider reading about him. He will inspire you through your

    difficult times and help make the burden seem lighter. Comments and

    criticisms welcome.



    Went to Washington, DC this weekend for the Cherry Blossom Festival.

    Bad time to go...a million people showed up and it was crowded. In

    any case, Washington is a great city to do architectural photography

    and I am just learning how to this. I need help in getting the view

    and proportion just right. After working on this image in Paintshop

    Pro, I noticed that it has a slight lean to it. Also, some barrel

    distortion in the center. If you notice any other imperfections

    please point them out and let me know how I could go about fixing

    them. Thanks.

  4. If you look at the other picture of the Manchester Mill building, you can see the river drop from head to tail is quite high....maybe 20-30 feet. That must have been one big water wheel and must have been powerful, because the river was rushing beside it at almost rapids level speeds that day.

    Frozen Life


    There was a sudden and deep freeze that hit the Southeastern USA in

    January of 2004. Life just froze as it stood a few hours before. So

    much of the beautiful blooms and plants that we are used to seeing at

    that time froze and died. I liked the vitality of this plant. Even

    though completely froze, it survived and later flourished in the

    Spring season when it got warmer. This is the vine of a jasmine

    plant. Comments and thoughts welcome.

  5. Found this colorful wall on the ruins of the New Manchester

    Manufacturing Company's abandoned factory ruins. This factory was

    burned on July 9, 1864 during the Civil War and since has become an

    odd tourist site. The river that feeds the water wheel of the

    factory now rushes by it and floods the lower portions on occasion.

    I liked the colors on the wall from various vegetation and thought

    the shadows and light played nicely on this image. What do you think?

    Balloon Patriot


    This photo is not from a digital camera. It was taken with a film

    camera back in 2001 at the Albuquerque International Balloon

    Festival. I liked the photo because of the contrast of the balloon's

    colors to the blue sky, but one thing that caught my eye in post-

    processing was the United States flag waving. A little bit of touch

    of light was on the flag, and it set it off from the background

    shadow of the balloon. I like this photo very much. What do you


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