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donna pallotta

PhotoNet Pro
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Everything posted by donna pallotta

  1. precious, Steve! excellent angle on the two... i hope they keep piggy as a pet ;-} dp
  2. donna pallotta


    another of your fantastic graphics, Gunnar... a great idea perfectly executed ;-} dp
  3. donna pallotta

    Proper grooming

    i luv the light here, and the perspective on the reflection in the glass. i wish it were cropped from left up to the pole to experience more closely the intimacy of the scene, Konstantin ;-} dp
  4. donna pallotta

    Miska and Jack_01

    they're magic, and they've cast a spell on me ;-} dp
  5. donna pallotta

    Dude 4067

    perfect contrast, Ziggy! ;-} dp
  6. awesome... creepy ;-} dp
  7. donna pallotta

    YO SOY

    intense, Sweid... the demure boy with his face turned away from us and head down is telling us with his alter ego "I AM"... becoming a man is hard, and you've given us some of that here, Sweid ;-} dp
  8. significant and dramatic psychological image, Bjorn...the grainy scratchy treatment makes it all the more disturbing... your model is in a nightmare... a deep dark place ;-} dp
  9. donna pallotta

    Rainy day

    i don't think we want the background woman too prominent because she doesn't appear to care that it's raining, which would take away from the theme. The theme is the funny way the lady is protecting herself from the rain. Also, I think the pole and handbag add balance on the left frame, to balance the street stripes and the other woman's body on right. I do think the other woman makes it more "real" in that street photogtaphy is supposed to be spontaneous... ;-} gp
  10. donna pallotta

    Falls Rd, Belfast

    a classic street composition; nicely crafted all around; great instinct, Bjorn... ;-}dp
  11. donna pallotta

    Blacks and Whites

    awesome composition and contrast, vlad! ;-} dp
  12. i like swans... and pink... and this picture, Ray ;-} dp
  13. donna pallotta

    Women's hats

    i love your pictures of ordinary people doing ordinary things in their own extraordinary way! i love these pictures of people from your country carrying on with life... ordinary people are just trying to carry on in this crazy world... ;-} dp
  14. yes, the joy!... the engagement!.... charming! ;-} dp
  15. donna pallotta


    many times angle is everything, Lisa; the tree shadows as a reflection of her limbs ;-} dp
  16. donna pallotta


    on my wall it should hang, Laurent! in this instance the bright white feels it belongs in the pattern... it doesn't feel bleached, but rather it is an aesthetic explosion of light ;-} dp
  17. i can feel the dampness, feel the atmosphere, feel the mood; great weather work ;-) dp
  18. donna pallotta

    Ms. C

    a satisfying mess, Bjorn.... it opens up one's imagination to its many possible stories, all dependent on the values one brings to the interpretation ;-} dp
  19. very cool panoramic, Bjorn... in faves ;-} dp
  20. abstract expressionism as good as any famous painter, Jack; i luv abstract expressionism, but it needs a certain sophistication, a certain eye, a certain mentality to do this well. u r a master of this genre, Jack. i'd hang it on my wall...;-} dp
  21. beautiful work, Lynn..... a little brighter/saturation on the purples?; less soft brush, more sharpness in right side straw skirt?; the feathers and the facial expression and the movement are wonderful ;-} dp
  22. donna pallotta


    the lighter couple and the darker couple make a fine contrast, the light and shadow is very romantic with its many patterns, the wine bottle in the center draws all the romance together, canopied by trees! the expressions are lovely... bravo, Mircea ;-} dp
  23. donna pallotta


    and this awesome treatment of the image explains why i am your biggest fan, Bjorn... in faves ;-} dp
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