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Posts posted by igord

  1. For outdoor BW you may use red for sky and green for face (you have 2 on your lens). For tungsten I suggest you to use tungsten film (kodak portra 100t) and filter lamps a bit to get out of 3200 towards warmer tones. You can use CT orange series or pale gold or bastard amber to enhance the skin tone. You can double and triple them. Nice combination is pale rose + 2x bastard amber + yellow although it takes some light off your lamp.

    For daylight colour I advise you to use 81B on your lens, works nice in shade and in sunlight. In interiors you can filter your window with Lee gels to make the light warmer.

  2. Hi,

    I did some shots recently where I wanted to achieve "cover lighting".

    It is not that easy as I realiased but in the end I think it is not

    that bad taking into account that I had only 3 flash lamps and

    reflectors. I did it with RB and Kodak EPP.<div>0077D2-16198984.jpg.c66147f907f142f3585e764f72eb05ce.jpg</div>

  3. Yeah, the scan is scr... up as usual.

    Must scan it once more. I love not using fill. In the analog print you see some details in shadows. Just wanted to do someting like Rembrandt lighting (I shouldn't call his name...).


    I used 2 silver umbrellas, one softbox and 3 large reflectors so it is all diffused.


    Composition is done according to the classic painters, the dominant eye is in the middle of the picture (search through the archives someone wrote about it and left even a link).

  4. This is what I found in the archives:



    hey john, you should see a steven meisel fashion shoot one day on 8x10- when you have the money you can shoot it like 35mm!!! he used around 500- sheets a day on a vogue or harpers shoot!!!


    i could never do it, but I have him to thank for 100's of sheets of unexposed film when I worked in the rental department at Fotocare in NYC. he would always return 50 holders loaded with either 400NC or Tr"




    Nice guy btw...

  5. Eric,

    Where is this interview from? Did you mean an interview with Meisel's assistant in American Photo? Or maybe you think about shooting an ad for MaxMara which was all digital.

    I have got Vogue Italia all issues from the last 3 years and most of the stuff looks like low contrast negs for me, especially from locations where scene contrast is very high. Some shots look digital I admit.

    No matter what Mr SM uses I like his approach to the lighting and colour.

  6. In my experience in 35mm the best neg for Frontier is Konica Impresa and Fuji NP_. Prints from Konica really stand out.

    The best slide for printing from Frontier are Fuji Provia/Velvia, Kodak Elite IMO. I tried Konica Centuria Chrom and was very suprised! Except of the large grain the overall quality is very good: clean and pleasent colours (I did 20x30cm prints).

    I do not like how Fuji Sensia and Kodak EPP print (although I love EPP at MF for portraits/studio).

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