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Everything posted by igord

  1. <p>Tien Pham, thanks. 1 Ds iii is a full sensor camera and I always shoot raw files.</p>
  2. I would check how large is 1 jpeg and multiply it by the number of photos I would be going to take per day, next I would multiply it by 2 just in case. I would also take one spare, the same card.
  3. <p>Nilantha, I had issues with Sony SD cards (I used SD cards a lot with my Ds), it started already in the camera, I had to download Sony software to retrieve data. </p>
  4. <p>David,<br> I shoot more then one 16 GB card, it happened to me that data was corrupted, so I had to spend time to recover the photos, that's why I still prefer few smaller cards over one huge.</p>
  5. <p>David, I do almost like that, except I leave my laptop in the hotel/car etc and download everything later. In a studio I shoot directly to my laptop often.</p>
  6. <p>David, Gary, thanks a lot! <br> I use smaller cards in case I loose one I will still have shots on other cards.</p>
  7. <p>To get nice pleasent look you can shoot raw, set the contrast to minimum (like -4 in canons DPP software) and blacks to maximum (-4) or just to compensate contrast, add lot of sharpening to make the photo pop up. Color temperature to 6000K. Use longer lens wide open (like 85mm at 1.8), go to the beach or nature, shoot just before sunset and backlight your subjects or during overcast day, quite easy to every photographer. And boring to me ;)</p>
  8. <p>Guys, which card available now is the fastest but reliable and 100% compatible to use with eos 1Ds mark iii?<br> I think about 16 Gb cards.</p> <p> </p>
  9. Thanks, this is why I am going to come back to zoom lenses as they are so good now, I can pick up any focus length I wish.
  10. <p>They are fantastic. 55 on 645 equals 35 on 135?</p>
  11. <p>O.K. I figured it out by myself and it works, thanks.</p>
  12. <p>6D plus 28/1.8 and 85/1.8 for low light photograhy is all you need.</p>
  13. <p>Thanks guys. I do have a cable but also have wifi in my camera so why not to use it?</p> <p>@Puppy Face. Do you remember how did you manage to make the EOS Utility see your camera in ditect wifi mode?<br /> I connected to laptop using smartphone mode but EU can't see it.</p>
  14. <p>I would like to ask if there is any method of connecting my 6D with MacBook running 10.10 software, point to point without wifi access.<br> I am going to work in a field without internet conncection. Maybe someone set the direct connection between the two.<br> 6D can do it with smartphone so maybe there is a way to replace it with Mac?</p>
  15. <p>@Sara Fox. I think that the best solution to avoid the paste effect would be to make one curves correction over the whole image. It is too much red so red curve would be the culprit in RGB or yellow/cyan curves in CMYK. Or just use selective colour removing magenta and yellow in reds and yellows in yellows.<br> I always find skin, wood, grass the most difficult to color grade!</p>
  16. <p>@Sara Fox, I think the neighbour looks little bit like pasted from the other image now. The colour of the wood is very good and natural on the first image. Something in between would work ;)</p>
  17. <p>Was it in the evening? If yes camera adds green to balance outdoor evening magenta cast.</p>
  18. <p>It could be any source like umbrella or softbox from a greater distance. I would use a single silver 120 cm umbrella from a distance of around 4-5 meters.</p>
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