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Everything posted by jrickert

  1. jrickert

    Abandon Abode

    I like the softness, lighting and composition of this photo. You found the beauty in it. Did anybody remodel this house? I have a folder with construction workers rebuilding a home, destroyed by fire. This photo is so intriguing. Best regards, Janice.
  2. jrickert

    I'm Soooo Happy!

    A fine capture. Perfect timing. Best regards, Janice
  3. Great capture. Fine use of DOF. Best regards, Janice
  4. jrickert


    This photograph, at first glance seems simple, but it is rich with beauty: Lines, texture, greyscale with a pop of red from the maple leaf. The shadows add to its beauty. Very well done! Best regards, Janice.
  5. jrickert


    Beautiful colors and lighting. Are these ribbons? Very pretty. Best regards, Janice
  6. Thank you, Hannu. Jett, the black dog, was ours. Emmy was lost for a month, and then found. This photo is a treasure, because Jett died from cancer last June (2014). I miss her terribly. But these photos bring back many good memories. Best regards, Janice
  7. jrickert

    Nah, nah

    Please tell me what TTL is. Thank you for your comment and compliments. Best, Janice
  8. jrickert

    Dutch animals... 218

    Oh to be a dog! That's what people think. A dog's life. But to have to do one's business in public. That's taking it a bit too far. Alas, dog's don't think that way...or do they?!! I have taken a photo at the dog park only to notice this in the background. I like the black and white. So many textures here. Best regards, Janice
  9. jrickert

    Holiday Lights

    Beautiful night scene. Beautiful lighting. Best regards, Janice
  10. jrickert


    Beautiful colors and details. I visited Niagra Falls, both the U.S. side and the Canada side. This photo is excellent! Best regards, Janice
  11. This photo made my skin crawl. But it is still a beautiful photograph. Great capture, and beautiful colors. I probably wouldn't have gotten close enough to capture it. So glad you did! Best regards, Janice
  12. jrickert


    Lovely shadows. Well done! Best regards, Janice
  13. jrickert

    Nah, nah

    Thoughts, please. Janice
  14. jrickert


    I love his/her expression and eyes. Perfect DOF. Beautiful detail.
  15. jrickert

    Zoe & Fiona

    They do indeed look like sisters. I love the angle of this photograph. Best regards, Janice
  16. jrickert

    Leaf Peek

    Beautiful lighting and colors. Best regards, Janice
  17. I agree. Beautiful colors and perfect composition. I would have loved to have seen her hands. Lovely orange colors. Best regards, Janice.
  18. jrickert

    Rebeckkah 3

    I have had the habit of photographing the children trick-or-treating. Thoughts please. Janice
  19. jrickert

    Resisting collapse!

    Well-lit photograph, which accentuates the house. A masterpiece! Best regards, Janice
  20. jrickert


    Lovely blue colors in this photograph, uniting father and son. Best regards, Janice
  21. Beautiful symmetry, and asymmetry as well. Beautiful curves and great detail. This photo is perfect. And a great memory of your trip. Best regards, Janice.
  22. jrickert

    DSC_0072, adj, smaller

    Nice photograph of photographer. I appreciate that you included the man and the children in the photograph. It tells a story. Best regards, Janice.
  23. Great observation. It is sad to think that all his belongings are contained in that grocery cart. What does the title of your photo mean? esp. "with TD and auto tone." Best regards, Janice.
  24. Thank you for your thoughts. Please visit the other photos in this folder. Thank you. Janice
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