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Image Comments posted by mathias_graf

    My valley

    Wonderful colours and interesting composition. My only comment would be that the image seems a bit truncated at the bottom. It would be nice to see the road a little further away from the edge of the frame, making it leads into/out of the frame more naturally.
  1. I think the long frame and the inclusion of the grasses at the bottom distract too much from the subject. A square format crop, with the far lake shore exactly across the middle of the frame, works much better for me, but then the grasses are cut awkwardly. Now, if you'd stood in the loch...!


    The biggest problem with this photo for me is that the subject's face is effectively obscured, due to the combination of viewpoint and either underexposure or lack of lighting. As noted by the previous respondent, this makes it hard to tell what the subject is doing; it also makes it difficult for the viewer to connect with the subject or to discern the intention behind the picture. My suggestions would be (1) improve the lighting and/or exposure, and (2) shoot from a slightly lower viewpoint or get the subject to raise their head a little.


    Greaaat - it reminds me of some of the images from the Golden Age of photography. The only improvement I can suggest would be to crop out the frame edge top right.
  2. Like it! My only criticism would be that I feel the picture either needs 'perfect geometry' (that is, for the 'spine' to be absolutely central and vertical), or the central exis to be more positively off-centre. At the moment the picture is somewhere in between, and I think that this somewhat weakens its graphical impact.
  3. I agree with the other comments made on this image. It is well imagined and put together - the scale between the boat and rocks/sea make the scene look impressive, and you can't see the join. I think the graininess and the colour cast work well together, and composition is excellent.


    Altogether, the image is very nearly convincing. What makes it only 'nearly' convincing is, I think, the difference in density between the boat and the rocks. From its position, the boat looks roughly the same distance from the viewer as the rocks, but it is darker than the rocks, and so appears to have much less 'haze' in front of it. It was this discrepancy that immediately suggested to me that this is a Photoshopped image, not a 'natural' one. If the boat were just a little more hazy, I feel the image would be much more convincing.

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