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Image Comments posted by witness

    sun bubbles


    Great shot! Love the bubbles and the horizontal lines. The distraction is the upper right corner IMO. If you can't beat em-join em. Why not just balance symmetrically like this? ( since it can't be cropped out effectively) Nice shot either way.

  1. Hi Corinne, your camera meter averaged the entire scene and over-exposed the dress. This area is entirely blown out and devoid of all details. I attempted to correct this as much as possible.

    If your camera has a spot metering option, you can focus on the dress and lock the exposure. This will give the appearance of a darker image which can be lightened later preserving the dress details. I like the shot but I'm afraid the exposure is off. Good composition too.


    Red Canoe

    Very nice Bob. I don't think you need the shore line at the top. Looks alittle like a print too small for the frame. You could crop off just a tad from the top ( leaving only water at the top) IMO. Nice capture.
  2. Great mood and composition. The blue item in the foreground attracts too much attention IMO. I tried a darkened gradient here: ( or you could try cropping it out) If you don't find this example useful I will delete my post upon your request. Nice shot either way.

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