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Image Comments posted by thistleandthat



    Thank you Alex! But one thing....its not sunset, its sunrise! It was one of those "sailors warning" mornings; i think it was going to rain later that day.





    I think the title is so appropriate for the image. it does remind me of a graceful dancing woman with her skirt flying out around her. the flowers are artificial though right?



    Clematis 6


    this would be a great shot for a Better Homes and Garden magazine. They need more photographs like this, because most of the time, the photos they use, are not good. and they hardly ever use good close ups like this when they are suggesting a plant to buy.



  1. when you have a beautiful model, sometimes its hard to tell whether the picture is good because of the technique and treatments... or if its just because of the good looking model. i think the color is beautiful for her. the lacy texture in the background makes me think of more "old fashioned" things, which doesn't really match the model, since she is wearing a modern "teenybopper" type shirt. the background doesn't really bring out anything about the model herself considering her garb and her expression.





    awww Marta, this is definitely your style! i probably could have picked you out as the artist from a list of twenty or so......

    It seems to be a shot from the bunny's point of view: being that he is uneasy as most animals are when children pick them up to cuddle them. i think it might be a little less "eerie" as someone stated if the bunny wasn't looking right in the camera. but its still a nice tender image and i like it!



    Rachel (2)


    I don't know if it was her hair or eyes that jumped out more, because they blend together so well. Orange and blue are complementing colors on the color wheel so they naturally mesh. the bluish gray background brings out her eyes as well. striking image!





    awesome cake and GREAT timing and focus and everything! the light is perfect and exactly how the eye would see if you were in the room with them.





    Thank you Christal! Yes, this is my dog, the newest addition to our family. I picked her up off the side of the road a couple of months ago. She's so happy to be loved!



    * * *


    i wouldn't get back in the truck, i'd be getting my bow out! but that's just the hunter in me talking. the photographer sees a stunning capture since I know these pigs don't like to stay still very long.



    * * *


    i've never seen a mother squirrel carrying her baby before! you must have been watching them for awhile. was she running across the ground or is she leaping over a bush?



    'Red Leave'


    this one really stands out of the folder, mostly because of the burst of red, but i like it because of the symmetry(sp?) wow. brain fart there. anyway, the walkway looks exactly like the walkway out of my backdoor and lots of times i have tried to do a shot like this and failed. often the leaves will blow across it and sometimes "leave" or sometimes stay and i find it reminiscent of people walking up and down a public boardwalk. some of them you'll remember, and some you won't....





    very very very beautiful. except for the gray frame. to me it just doesn't mesh well. i think an all black frame would fit it much better. or perhaps a "romantic" color like a deep purple or amber. the gray just makes me think of concrete.



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