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Everything posted by mavdaha

  1. mavdaha

    Droplets 2

    Not a macro image as such, but where do I put it? Always searching for that perfect droplet - perhaps some day. Helpful criticism welcome.
  2. mavdaha

    Sunlight 4

    Near the Antonine Wall, Central Scotland
  3. mavdaha

    Giants' Causeway

    What interested me here is the dynamism that comes out from the angle: the pylons seems to be striding over the landscape, throwing out the lines before them as they go.
  4. mavdaha

    If only.....

    Hi Michail and Gerald, I want to learn but I must say I'm not sure what either of you mean! If I crop more from the right, you will not see that the figure is standing on something, or the figure will disappear completely.What is "so wrong" about it? I don't imagine this is a perfect image. The sea and the sky are very dull, for example - but then, it's Scotland!My questions here are genuine, not sarcastic or just offended. I really want to know what you have in mind! You guys both have some great shots in your portfolios. Thanks Willie
  5. mavdaha


    Yes, not very good, technically, but as you might notice, this was taken with the only camera I had at the time (2004), a 2MP Olympus 2040z.
  6. mavdaha


    I rescued this naked baby African dormouse when I disturbed his nest in an air-conditioning unit in Cameroon, Africa. Since I had touched him, his mother would no longer accept him, so I gave him to my daughter, who lovingly raised him - and managed to keep him a secret from our cat - for nearly three years.
  7. At first glance, this is an astounding shot. But, I have to admit that the other commentator is right, that on a closer look it is obviously artificial, and loses some of its potential appeal. Still, it is a very original idea and is perfectly executed. Well done for creativity!
  8. mavdaha

    Daisies @Morris Arboretum

    An interesting and eye-catching shot, but for me it's really two subjects, both clamouring for our attention. I think it would work better as two separate shots. The colourful roof is so unusual that it deserves more than to be placed as a backdrop. Initially, I thought you must have added the colour yourself, but you say that it is just like that. Sorry not to be more positive, but I think you could get two great shots out of this rather than one confusing one.
  9. mavdaha


    The Red Arrows at the Armed Forces day, Stirling, 2014
  10. mavdaha

    If only.....

    Ailsa Craig, off the South-West coast of Scotland.
  11. mavdaha


    After a walk on the frozen sea off Helsinki, this cafe was a very welcome sight.
  12. mavdaha

    Admiring the view together

    While on holiday in the South West of Scotland, gazing across the sea at Ailsa Craig, my wife and I spotted this other couple enjoying the view before us.
  13. mavdaha

    Admiring the view together

    © William Kinnaird

  14. mavdaha

    If only.....

    © William Kinnaird

  15. mavdaha

    Giants' Causeway

    Stitched together from four separate shots.

    © William Kinnaird

  16. © William Kinnaird

  17. mavdaha


    I found this baby chameleon on the spokes of my bike wheel when we lived in Africa. I gave him to my daughter and she carefully fed him on flies every day, carrying him around on her finger and letting him rope them in with his long, sticky tongue. He lived to about 18 months old then could no longer eat, even when flies were put to his mouth. We buried him in the yard.
  18. My wife and I went to the park early this morning to see the bluebells, and we found acres of them. It made a photographic feast, although I didn’t get that perfect shot. Then, just as we were leaving, Annukka pointed out to me this other couple also enjoying the bluebells in the early morning sunshine. It takes two to get a good picture.
  19. mavdaha

    Sunlight 5

    Lagdo, North Cameroon
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