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Everything posted by mavdaha

  1. mavdaha


    Living in rainy Scotland has the advantage that there is always an abundance of green leaves and raindrops.
  2. mavdaha

    Orange sheep

    At first glance, I wouldn't have said this was a beautiful landscape: there is not much green here (at least, for me, a Scot, with our continual rain...). But the more I look at it, the more fascinating it becomes. The 'orange sheep' are of course the most unusual part of the image, but the fact that it is composed of three distinct zones gives it a deeper attraction. First, the sky: so 'big', so blue and with such interesting clouds; then, the hills are of such a contrasting colour to both the sky and the plain; lastly, the plain itself: dare I say 'olive green'? And the sheep: the majority in that intriguing orange colour, but also white and black, in almost equal numbers. A deeply interesting and calming composition.
  3. mavdaha

    Red shutters

    I agree! Beautiful deep red against a white wall of such interesting texture. But what makes it live is that these are real windows, not just some abstract composition. Subjective, personal opinion: I would have found it even more satisfying if it had been possible for you to get up to the same level as the windows in order to have them perfectly square in the frame.
  4. mavdaha

    Shadow Abstract #2

    This too is a very intriguing image. Total abstraction - if you hadn't explained what it actually is! Great.
  5. This is a very interesting and engaging image. It's hard (for me at least!) to figure out if we are looking at the real thing or a distorted reflection, as I've never seen a building of such a weird shape. But, that is its main appeal and whether it's real or not matters nothing for just enjoying the photo as it has been composed. Excellent!
  6. mavdaha

    The General Store

    The lower two thirds of the picture are very pleasing to the eye but the reflection in the top panes is a strong distraction. I wonder if a polarising filter might have helped here, or just a different angle. As it is, the star, which could have been the focal point of the image, is almost invisible.
  7. mavdaha

    Fog Signal Building

    Gorgeous red and blue and black!
  8. mavdaha

    Three Memories

    This is a beautiful and well-executed image, although, as a linguist, the text immediately catches my eye and seeing the text backwards disturbs me! Hence the title to this comment. However, that is a very subjective and personal view, which would not necessarily be an issue for anyone else. Also subjective is your title. The viewer has no way of knowing what these memories are. Not at all a criticism, but others may be curious like me. If it's to be left as a secret, that's OK! Thanks for taking the time to comment on my metal steps photo.
  9. mavdaha

    After the storm

    The rain buffets everything, but after it stops it sometimes leaves behind jewels.
  10. mavdaha

    After the storm

    © William Kinnaird

  11. mavdaha

    Gubar hay

    © William Kinnaird

  12. This beautiful leaf, having lost its communion with the life-giving sap of the tree which bore it, is now at the mercy of the relentless waves. And yet, light and insubstantial as it is, it still leaves traces of its course on the sand below.
  13. mavdaha

    Colourful locust

    © William Kinnaird

  14. mavdaha


  15. mavdaha


    A raging torrent in the rainy season, it is possible to walk through it the rest of the year. Some people had just gone through the water before me, and we were really pressed for time, so I didn't wait as I should have for the water to settle into a glassy pool to get a perfect reflection.
  16. © William Kinnaird

  17. Yes, you're right. It is stretching things a bit. But, at least it's "nature".....
  18. I found this colourful locust dining on my wife's sunflower leaves when we lived in Cameroon, Africa.
  19. My wife and I were there recently. I envy you for the beautiful still mirror water surface you got. It was a little choppy when we were there, but we got an unexpected blaze of sunshine, which made the gold leaf shine with a magical quality. So, yes, there much to be commended in your shot: the clarity, particularly of the reflections. But if you don't mind me saying, there is something which spoils the composition, and that is the very intrusive branch in the foreground. If you had just moved a few feet to the left.... Not only does the branch cover part of the temple itself, but it totally spoils the very clear, sharp reflection. For me, unfortunately, I had inadvertently left my camera in the hotel that day, so I only had my iPhone with me, so I was somewhat limited, but I still got quite a nice image - not as good as yours in some respects, but it has its merits. I'll upload it to my portfolio, if you're interested, so you can give your comments. Thanks
  20. mavdaha

    Admiring the view together

    Thanks for the comment, Douglas. I agree that the flowers are rather burned out. Can you help? I know what a diffuser for flash is and I have a reflector, but I'm not sure what you mean by a diffuser in this situation. Thanks! Willie
  21. mavdaha


    Simple tube macro lens added to camera's built-in lens
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