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Image Comments posted by ellery

  1. christopher...I will pull up the original RAW, convert to JPEG, and post it here for comparison.....these birds are very colorful....it could be that when I pulled down the levels a tad, the colors saturated a bit much, but I think you will find the original perhaps nearly as saturated....I think you will find these colors close to realistic in fact....

    I only in post (I use capture NX2), reduced levels a tad, then cropped, resized, added a touch of USM - probably as I recall 10 intensity, 2 radius...Ive noticed with this lens/camera combo, I need little or no sharpening in some shots - 20-35 with radius of 3-5 was common on my D90

    Oh, other change I made was to desaturate the background a tad...I think you will see what I mean in the original.




    heh heh...my new lens...I added it to photo details.....LOVING this lens so far!

    He is getting big very quick indeed....ill post a photo of wife and new baby in just a moment in this folder, go check it out.

  2. 1/60, f5.6, ISO 200....adjusted WB in post, a touch of levels, resized, and sharpened...

    FYI, I am not sure why there is no exif data...when I upload Im not sure I recall what to hit to get it or not get it?...

  3. brilliant photo...I  like it...

    I like the softness of the image...I have that same lens and use it for my kids often....did you soften it in PS after a bit...appears that way...I like it....at first I kinda wanted the eyes tac sharp (the 50mm 1.8 can do this easy!)....but I really like it as is...the light is very nice, soft...looks great....love the title too...epic photo...im a dad so I may be bias :)

  4. @Timothy - thanks!  I cropped to get this composition to be honest...the original in camera I took was not bad, but was more of a portrait orientation and it was less well suited to show off the detail in the feathers and around the eye...



    My son :) - this was my very first subject to attempt with my new

    lens...a bit harsh light at that time, patchy in the back yard...best I

    had at the time.


    Critiques are very welcome to this novice! Am I a novice? I dont

    know, I have been shooting for 5 years whe I get time, but I still am

    just a hobbyist or amateur...or whatever...anyway...help me :)

  5. First attempts at birds, first attempts with my new camera and lens

    (first telephoto ever, besides my original kit 18-105). Also had my 2

    small children with me today, so was quite rushed...


    Any pointers are ALWAYS appreciated as I am still learning!

  6. First attempts at birds, first attempts with my new camera and lens

    (first telephoto ever, besides my original kit 18-105). Also had my 2

    small children with me today, so was quite rushed...


    Any pointers are ALWAYS appreciated as I am still learning!

  7. Ok, so I am adjusting to a new camera a lens...this was day one

    attempts with this combo...and I have never shot birds before...and I

    had my two small kids with me...so was very rushed.


    Anyway, just sharing for any critiques from folks!

  8. cute shot...i have tons of such photos of my kids...never get old :D

    On a critical note, it seems to lack sharpness...perhaps come camera shake a tad shooting a 1/60 shutter speed?  or just the focus not dead on?  Or I am seeing things on my crappy work computer monitor! 



    when I saw the photo, it seemed like more of a basic snapshot using flash at night....I may be missing the boat though - cause I am a beginner pretty much myself....what is it that you like about this photo if you dont mind me asking?...regards, Ellery

    Buzz Off


    I have been now salivating for that lens :) -

    I doubt the VR will be all that helpful for macro flash....freezing the subject is never the hard part with flash macro....BUT, for ambient handhelds, that VR feature could be ALOT of fun...ill have to read up on it, but Im skeptical that VR will be much of a difference...

    VR helps with camera shake....camera shake is not an issue much for flash macro....it is an issue for ambient shots...but the shake can be (I am guessing) a bit too severe for VR to correct it....and then factor in that the biggest annoyance (for me so far) for ambient macro is when a breeze or wind hits (argh).

    BUT - I think if there is very low wind or no wind, VR could get me away from the tripod.....and at the level of macro, tiny camera shake even on my current tripod, perhaps VR would help that too...or with a monopod...

    now that sounds like a killer possibility....Monopod + VR for ambient shots? 

    Overall im skeptical that VR will be helpful at the level or close to 1:1...I do however want later an upgrade from my tamron macro lenses...but ill likely hold off....perhaps Xmas?? :)

    The VR though for portraits and other uses would be great....VR is such a lovely technology...I AM LOVING IT on my 70-200 f4....got some great shots waiting to put up this weekend!  Take care. 

    Oh and PS - the bee here is not blurred due to camera shake (although im guessing you knew this - it managed to fly out of my plane of focus...although the tip of its butt is still just in.



    I am not sure why I did not crop it as such...I think that would greatly improve...love the slow sync idea too!  this was literally my first ever attempt at panning...so much practice needed.....thanks again!!

  9. I can see what you mean...focus of the water droplets is lost at the corners...the color scheme indeed was unnatural....that was inteded, although perhaps indeed it does not work.  also, it was shot in hard light...perhaps I will retry the concept using a diffuser! 

    Thanks for the critique!

    Little and large.


    really lovely - a great display of color, and an amazing specimen captured..the black and white antenna are amazing and in sharp detail...the color in the wing sets it all off....bravo!!

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