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Everything posted by sixkings55

  1. I tried yesterday and now and not able to sign in.
  2. Look in your owner's manual under accessories. I bought one years ago and never ended up using it, it's a pita to keep remembering to take the glasses off and then back on to take the picture. I thought the N90 has an adjustable one built in it?
  3. <p>Thanks for the response Glen. <br> I did inherit an Omega D2 enlarger but haven't gathered the parts yet to do 35mm and all the supplies for developing and printing (on a low budget, people weren't kidding about it being a rich man's hobby, lol). Even if I were all set I'll be a little nervous about the process (don't know why). I did some reading about color printing and I'm a little confused about the enlarger needing a color head. Would I need one on the enlarger to do color printing?<br> By the way, I messed up doing the attachments on my last response, I had tried to go back and attach at the correct smaller resolution but I don't know what happened. The last pic wasn't even the correct one. My question was why did all the pics come out with the dark blue/purple on the edges of the frame.<br> I'll try the attachment again here; <br> <img src="https://c2.staticflickr.com/8/7515/26497173324_02b2584d54_z.jpg" alt="" /></p>
  4. Exposure Date: 2011:11:19 18:50:57; Make: NIKON CORPORATION; Model: NIKON D60; ExposureTime: 8/1 s; FNumber: f/0; ISOSpeedRatings: 100; ExposureProgram: Manual; ExposureBiasValue: 0/6; MeteringMode: CenterWeightedAverage; Flash: Flash did not fire; FocalLength: 55 mm; FocalLengthIn35mmFilm: 0 mm; Software: Capture NX-D 1.4.1 M; ExifGpsLatitude: 41/1 49/1 1225156963/25750793; ExifGpsLatitudeRef: N; ExifGpsLongitude: 71/1 24/1 6729615/262144; ExifGpsLongitudeRef: W;

    © (C) 2011 Arthur Sirois, all rights reserved.

  5. sixkings55

    Yellow Mushroom

    Exposure Date: 2010:10:02 16:35:51; Make: NIKON CORPORATION; Model: NIKON D60; ExposureTime: 1/30 s; FNumber: f/0; ISOSpeedRatings: 100; ExposureProgram: Manual; ExposureBiasValue: 0/6; MeteringMode: CenterWeightedAverage; Flash: Flash did not fire; FocalLength: 80 mm; FocalLengthIn35mmFilm: 0 mm; Software: Capture NX-D 1.4.1 M; ExifGpsLatitude: 41/1 22/1 577130883/30397378; ExifGpsLatitudeRef: N; ExifGpsLongitude: 71/1 41/1 980634542/62513973; ExifGpsLongitudeRef: W;

    © (C)2010 Arthur Sirois, all rights reserved

  6. <p>Wow! Where does the time go? I totally forgot to come back on here to give an update.<br /> I did some developing, some came out good and some no so good, lol. My first roll was a 24x36 b&w using an Argus A2b. Nothing came out on it and I was a little disappointed and confused. What happened was I missed read someone saying I could use the c-41 for b&w (lesson learned). <br /> The next thing I tried was 2.25 x 3.25 Arista.Edu Ultra 100 b&w sheet film from a Miniature Speed Graphic with a Kodak Ektar 101mm f/4.5 lens. Out of 12 I got 9 useful ones. I developed them in Ilford ID11 process. I used an Ellgeet 127mm f/5.6 enlarg-ing lens on a Nikon PB2 Bellows attached to my D7100 mounted on a tripod over a light table as a way of scanning.<br /> I developed them in an antique Kodak cylinder developing can and it was a nightmare using it. The negatives had to be folded to where the two ends touch and then pushed into a slot. When I removed them from the can the areas where they touched the others didn't get developed so I didn't get the full pictures. I had to crop off the top and bottom or left and right (depends upon how it's viewed). I won't be using that thing again. Later I purchased a Yankee Film Developing Agitank which worked well.<br /> Here is a pic from the batch and the others are on flickr. <br /><a data-flickr-embed="true" href= http://www.flickr.com/photos/artsirois/16033354629/in/album-72157650156902351/ " title="City Hall Prov_ http://c6.staticflickr.com/8/7529/16033354629_60df37c101_z.jpg width="640" height="546" alt="City Hall Prov_ 2"></a><script async src="//embedr.flickr.com/assets/client-code.js" charset="utf-8"></script><br /> The next batch I tried was 2.25 x 3.25 Arista.Edu Ultra 100 b&w sheet film from a Miniature Speed Graphic with the Ellgeet 127mm f/5.6 enlarging lens. I used the same developer and the D7100 set up for scanning.<br /> Here is a pic from that batch and the others are on flickr. <br /><a data-flickr-embed="true" href=" http://www.flickr.com/photos/artsirois/16031827700/in/album-72157650156902351/ " title="Rose of Sharon_close up"><img src=" http://c5.staticflickr.com/8/7544/16031827700_bdaff6decd_z.jpg width="640" height="429" alt="Rose of Sharon_close up"></a><script async src="//embedr.flickr.com/assets/client-code.js" charset="utf-8"></script><br /> I have since gotten a Graphic 120 roll back for the camera and am waiting to develop a couple of color roll.<br /> I did my first color roll 24 x 36 Fujicolor Super HQ 100 film using an Argus C3 with a 50mm f/3.5 Argus Coated Cintar. I processed using the Arista c-41 kit and scanned using the same set up only used my D60.<br /> I'm not sure if I did something wrong with the developing or it was the camera error from light leak. It looks to me like the outer edges are dark blue. Let me know what you think?<br /> Here is a pic from that batch and the others are on flickr. <br /><a data-flickr-embed="true" href=" http//www.flickr.com/photos/artsirois/16031827700/in/album-72157650156902351/ " title="Rose of Sharon_close up"><img src=" http://c5.staticflickr.com/8/7544/16031827700_bdaff6decd_z.jpg " width="640" height="429" alt="Rose of Sharon_close up"></a><script async src="//embedr.flickr.com/assets/client-code.js" charset="utf-8"></script><br /> Any feedback or critique will be welcome.<br /><br /></p><P>
  7. Thanks for the responses. At least now I know I wasn't alone, lol. Wouter, thanks for the info about the settings/dialog, I must have in the past checked that box that appears and that's why I haven't been seeing it. Joe Smith, I found it in the Preferences - Dialog/Alert/Backup - Dialog Window - and click reset to turn it back on and now it works again. Also the warn window appears now about deleting the whole folder if I don't click on the first photo first. But overall I still think Nikon could have a look at it and change it so the two icons aren't sitting one above the other so that knuckle heads like me don't hit the wrong one. Thanks again for the help. Art
  8. <p>I searched through the forums but was unable to find this issue. I wrote to Nikon a couple of times about it but it seems they just don't understand what I'm talking about going by the answers they give back. I was wondering if others have noticed this glitch while using View NX2. The following is what I wrote to Nikon; "I suggested this before but with every updated View NX2 the issue hasn't been corrected. The problem I find with using the program is: When using the view mode in thumbnail view or list or fullscreen the meta data/adjustment window on the right extends from top to bottom and the save button ends up just above the delete/trash button and it's so easy to click the delete/trash button by mistake. <br />Also when a file is opened the first photo looks like it's highlighted and if the delete button is clicked it deletes the whole file instead of the picture (a picture has to be clicked on first or it will happen).<br />Otherwise the program works really well in doing quick adjustments to the pictures." This is what Nikon wrote back; "Thank you for contacting Nikon. I understand that you are experiencing a few issues related to our View NX 2 software. All of our delete buttons, both on the keyboard and software, will provide you with a window asking whether or not your are sure you want to delete the image. This option will ensure that if you do accidentally click on the delete button, you have to choice to cancel. I'm not sure exactly what you mean regarding your second issue. When viewing files in the browser section of View NX 2, pictures will appear as thumbnails and folders should only show the name of the folder with a folder icon. If you have any further questions or concerns, feel free to update this case thread."<br> When I hit the delete button or delete key there's never a window that appears for confirmation, it just deletes it, whether it's a file or photo. Just wondering if this happens to anyone else? I feel stupid because I keep doing it.<br> <img src="https://www.flickr.com/photos/artsirois/14171616512/in/photostream/" alt="" /></p>
  9. <p>Hello,<br> I’ve been a member for quite awhile and although I’m not an active member (posting, pictures etc.) I have been active in the back ground. I have learned so much over the years about photography from the members and community on this site. When ever I had a question I always found the answer in the forums without having to re-post a question about it. So thanks to all for sharing your knowledge.<br> For the past few years I’ve gotten back into shooting film (35 and 120 format) and am enjoying it. A few times I’ve gotten the film developed from labs and was really disappointed with the results, they screwed it up one way or another, so I figured I’d take my photography another step and develop and print my own. I’ve been gathering the equipment needed to do my own (still need more stuff). I’m still reading on the subject and eventually will learn enough to give it a try. It’s strange though how I keep running into opposition from people I would’ve thought would be helpful. Here’s an example; I went to a local lab (which is a really small operation) and asked to have a roll of Ilford b&w c41developed. The owner barked, “why do you keep bothering with this stuff, (I had brought in color slide film another time) no one is doing this stuff anymore, bring it somewhere else, no one does that process anymore”, (she said it all with such an attitude). I told her there’s still a following but she didn’t seem to care. I haven’t gone back since. <br> I feel a little overwhelmed deciding what to use for chemicals and paper to get started because there is so much out there to choose from. I want to do both b&w and color. I shopped around on line and again just don’t know what to get (they don't explain it enough). I’m getting tired of reading because it seems like it all depends on ones’ own preference. I went to Hunt’s (which is local to me) and asked the sales rep for some help. He wasn’t much help at all. No one there knew much about developing, although they did tell me how hard it it to develop and print color and I would be better off using a scanner and buy their Cannon $600 printer to do it and how much easier and better digital is over film. I asked why they have the supplies there and he said they sell it mostly to students from the local college and the students know what they want. He suggested I go take some courses.<br> I’ll get it figured out eventually by reading some more on the subject in the forums here and elsewhere. I guess I mostly wanted to vent about the attitudes I keep getting from people about using film and developing. <br> Thanks for listening,<br> Art</p>
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