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Posts posted by shiang_wang1

  1. <p>I shoot mostly primes too. My go bag contains 28, 58, 105. I have heard about choosing primes lenses that double the focal length is the best. So either 85, or 105, it is all coming down to personal choice.</p>
  2. <p>Side trip to nearby Kodakchrome Basin State Park, now if we can have just a roll of Kodakchrome to shoot, that would be nice. I did bring several rolls of Velvia 50, that will have to wait.</p><div>00bUsS-528331584.jpg.f8fb7aea6536ebe78f7aaeaa97eb0692.jpg</div>
  3. I am facing the same question. My primary wide angle is 28mm f2 AIS, wide open, it is very soft on corners. But that

    doesn't bother me as much as when I use it with with polarizer. Even at f8, with the best polarizer I can find (B+W), the

    vignette is still so bad that LR can't eliminate. So I am thinking either trying different polarizers, or different lenses, 28mm

    1.8, 16-35mm f4. Mark, are you seeing some issues with your current lenses?

  4. http://ffis.fujifilm.co.jp/information/articlein_0022.html


    In short,





    Velvia 100F 135


    Velvia 50/100 5x7


    Provia 100F 5x7



    New package on most of films, price expect to be 25% higher. Effectively April 2013.



    They kept Velvia 100F on larger formats, but do not plan to give them a new look. They might be the next to go.

    Personally the news doesn't affect me too much except for price, but we see it coming.

  5. Thanks guys, I use a Gitzo Mountaineer too. I took the ballhead off, measure the screw sticking out the platform about

    75mm. Interestingly, RRS is 10mm thick, Sunwayfoto is 5mm. It is good to know the thicker one works, I will go ahead

    and order it.

  6. <p>I don't have a 135/3.5 so I can't really answer your question, but I do have a 135/2.8 AI. Too cheap to sell it, so I've kept it since my first camera.<br>

    I am curious how it performs on a DSLR, so I took a shoot wide open the other day, I have to say I am surprised to see how well it does... I mean for a cheap, light weight lens.</p><div>00bM2I-520061584.jpg.684d0f0060c327152d22b7b8459e2d52.jpg</div>

  7. <p>Has anyone had any experience with this type of level plate ?<br>

    <a href="http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/882986-REG/Sunwayfoto_LP_76_Leveling_Plate.html">http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/882986-REG/Sunwayfoto_LP_76_Leveling_Plate.html</a><br>

    My concern is whether with this plate, I can still secure a Arca-Swiss Z1 ball head to a tripod. I like to try panorama photograhy. I thought about Gitzo central column bubble level, but was told it doesn't work if I remove the central column, which I did.<br>


  8. <p>They migrated my pictures from mypicturetown to this new website. I upgraded my account to special account after I downloaded an utility to verify I do have a Nikon camera. Now I can have URL link to the pictures in original size. This used be a service you have to pay for it.</p>
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