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Image Comments posted by tracy_wilson1

    Sea Shell #2



    I love the use of the backlight. I viewed your other image for critique and felt that the light really well in that image. In this image however, the light seems a little harsh and focused in the center of the shell. If the were some way to soften the light used on this shell it would help. Also, both images could use some sharpening to define the edges better. I think you are onto something and look forward to more of your pictures of shell with backlight.

    Best wishes...Tracy



    I checked out your picture on Flickr, and I love the gray sky in the background. It really gives a nice mood to the winter scene.



    P.S. Great work and welcome to Photo.net

  1. I have been told that it was to keep the horses from being spooked when they had to cross. I am not sure of this tale, I would also think that in inclement weather it would afford shelter to the weary travelers. 

    Thanks for your kind words and best wishes in the UK.


  2. Wonderful colors and sunset. It must have been a great experience to behold. A thought about subject. The brightest part of the photo is the blue sky and this draws the eye to this portion. If this was your intent well done. If however, the main subject is the sunset, the bright sky steals away the eye of your viewer. If you wast the sunset to be the focal point you could use a graduated filter to darken the blue portion of the sky or you could use a different crop and eliminate the bright portion of the sky. Beautiful capture!

    Best wishes...Tracy



    I find this photo very interesting. In the thumbnail it caught my attention, I wondered what was in the image. When I opened it up, I still was left to wonder. This made me spend much time looking into the photo to try and discover what was there. The texture on the beam on the left is very interesting also. Great detail and overall a very successful picture.


    P.S It appears to be a saddle with a horse blanket on top.

  3. Thanks Marc,

    I have two versions of this, one with more saturation and this one. They are the same HDR file and I was a little burnt out and had to leave for work. The color of the bridge, I feel, looks closer to life. I will take another look when I get home after work and try your suggestions. 

    Thanks for your comment,


  4. This covered bridge has been a fixture in my whole life. I remember riding

    with my parents across this Indiana landmark. The bridge is no longer in

    use and is cared for by the Indiana Parks division.


    Thanks for stopping by and please leave a comment.


    Best regards, Tracy



    I really enjoyed this image. The subtle colors and the reflection are very soothing. The rocks on the beach  add a lot of interest and the leading lines take you through the rest of the photo. Great work!



    Orchid, up close


    I really love your photo of the orchid, the composition and colors are truly remarkable. However, I do notice quite a bit of digital noise. At first look, i noticed the graininess. In Photoshop our some other program you can use the noise reduction filter to remove some of the graininess. Also, when I viewed the larger image, I noticed some chromatic aberrations. Do you notice the stray red colors? There is a way to fix this also with Photoshop. There is a good article in Digital Photography School on how to fix this with Photoshop. The can also be fixed using Adobe Camera Raw.

    This is truly a beautiful picture and thanks for sharing.

    Best wishes,




    Nice photo. I like the detail in the canoe and DOF helps to focus on the subject. I would like to see more of the rapids to help place your subject in context though.





    Very beautiful image. I love snow scenes and you have found a good one. The colors and tone is perfect. If you were to add more of the background and recompose your image using the rule of thirds, it would really strengthen the impact of your photograph. It will give the viewer more to look at and your subject will be the anchor that draws the eyes or your audience back in.

    Nice work and thanks for sharing.





    Very nice capture, I love the turtle on his back. It is a shame that your subject is out of focus. A smaller aperture (larger number) would have given a larger depth of field and then be sure to focus on the turtle or the hippos eyes. Nice picture and I enjoyed it very much.

    Best wishes,


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