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Posts posted by sam_portera

  1. The billingham bags seem very nice but at that price they can keep them. I prefer the black leather on black m classics bag and it may be my next bag for daily use. I have a Domke F80 something and its about two years old and looks pretty worn. Great for everyday carrying of an M body and trio of lenses, but tends to look out of place on those few occasions that I have to wear a monkey suit!


    I like your new bag, its a bit "flashy" or "pretty" for me but still a nice bag.

  2. Thank you for all of the advice.


    I am quite comfortable with 4x5, however it is slow no matter how good you are. I have done portraits with a 210mm on my tachihara with incredible results, but for this sitiuation I would rather be free from the tripod. It can be intimidating using 4x5, and almost always attracts attention.


    I think I'll bring both and do a few 4x5's of the group shots and Delta 100 in 35mm for when I want to work faster.

  3. Ive been asked to shoot a family with the intention that the

    enlargements will be 16x20's. I never go beyond 11x14 in my

    darkroom. I have 35mm (my choice for portrait sessions) or 4x5 at my

    disposal. I guess what I really want to know is how many of you

    enlarge to 16x20 or greater from a 35mm negative, and which film do

    you find works best for big prints? My staples are Fp4 and Hp5.

  4. Donald do you live in the desert? Process your film in a third world country or other dusty envirinment, because I don't see it being such a big deal. I process and print everything in house(traditional darkroom). Spotting is not a problem with a little preparation and caution. And shooting less isn't a bad thing. Choose your image more carefully, rather than run and gun.
  5. I usually use Ilford Hypam 1+4 for film and 1+9 for paper, but Its

    getting harder to find Rapid fixer is also getting hard to find .

    Can anyone recomend a replacement fixer for paper and film. I

    particularly preferred Hypam because a 5 liter jug seemed to last

    quite a while. I prefer buying in large quantities twice a year.

    What about Tf-4?

  6. After buying a lot of lenses Ive realized that I work best with a normal lens (wich for me is a 50mm). Even in other formats, a normal is all that I need. I have other lenses and will porbably buy a 35mm for my M6, but I could get along with just a 50mm. If I had known this years ago I could have saved quite a bit of money.


    As for Leica glass, Yes its top notch. I have a 50mm Summicron, bought a year or two ago and it is great, my other two lenses are Voigtlanders (21 and 90) and they serve me very well, albeit slower than the equivilant leica glass. I shoot mostly larger formats these days and I have some good 4x5 lenses that cost much less than Leica lenses. I also have an F100 with 5 lenses that only gets use for paying jobs. I simply can not afford to buy new Leica glass!


    Just some random thoughts.

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