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Image Comments posted by leora

  1. I would love to rate this 7-7. It is my kind of photography. I love the way the light is catching both of them and the vendor is trying to engage her graciously. She is holding a garment on a hanger, so she is about to become a customer. The dog could care less. I love it.


    Cheers, Leora

  2. This is a beautiful fashion and social statement. Personally I would like to see it more high key. I loved shooting Tri-X 400 speed and working it in the darkroom until I got the impact I wanted, inspite of the grain. This should not be confused with low quality. The highlights do sometimes get burned out so the darks have to hold their own.


    Kudos for developing in your bathroom. That is true dedication. Now with digital, we all can sit at a desk and not get our hands wet. Although I miss the smell of the chemicals. I first got a whif in my grandfather's darkroom.


    I hope you like my variation --- I opened the shadows and added a tint ---



    I think it is wonderful that you could make this child's day by instantly showing him the photo. Digital is such a revelation. The expression on the young mother's face is the most telling. These kids are her whole life and she is carrying a tremendous burden, but there must be great joy, too. I caught the mischievous eye of one of the children that is hiding. I cannot say enough about the feeling and texture of this photo. Just 7-7-7-7-7-7!

    Greg Sczebel


    Very exciting work, here and on your website. This photo is stunning. Love the attitude, the composite (although I would not have known if you had not said it -- very skillful), the color and intensity, and the overall design.


    Cheers, Leora

  3. This was actually scanned from the BW negative, which I prefer to digital with black on black. The background was milar - highly reflective. It is both tricky and exciting to work with and much more interesting than no seam when working in the studio on a cold rainy day. I like PhotoShop for the post production - not available when this was photographed. I will feature it in my blog soon: leoraphotographic.blogspot.com.

    Good to hear from you!

  4. This is a lovely photo. Both expressions are so genuine and you can see how he loves that she is holding so tight. Nice tones and tint.


    Cheers and I am glad you liked my portfolio, Leora

  5. I am glad you find it interesting. I was surprised at how my subject's attitude made all the difference -- something in the eyes I believe.


    PS Your profile photo is very intriguing. Must be the eyes again -- how they see and how they are seen.



    An excellent capture of the drama. Dance is a difficult subject. Are you familiar with the work of Lois Greenfield who freezes dancers in mid-air?


    You have a very exciting portfolio, many faceted.


    Good work, Leora

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