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Image Comments posted by jairorodriguez

    "In the Midst"


    I never get tired of seeing this amazing sea stacks along the NW coast. Colors are amazing! If anything, I would crop it a little bit from the right, to keep that rock out of the frame. Did you try a long exposure of the same scene??


    Well done!



  1. First of all thank you both for stopping by and letting me know your thougths on this shot! I really appreciate it.


    Stephen, you're right in that this HDR processing gives the shot a little bit of the painterly flavour so many people dislike. I am just beggining to play with HDR, and I have to say it's probably easier to get this appearance rather than get a more strict interpretation of what I really saw. I need to know more about HDR processing to have more control over the output. However, I am not so sure this is not quite close to what I saw at St. Helens that evening, specially in terms of light. I would like to know your opinion on this other shot (both taken with the tripod in the exact same position). I'd like to see if you still have the same feeling.




    Thanks again for your comments,



  2. Handheld panorama from a high point above the spectacular Grand

    Prismatic hot spring. I know originality will be close to 0, but as a

    molecular biologist and as a human in general this is one of the most

    beautiful and amazing places I have ever photographed. Hope you enjoy

    the view as much as I did!

  3. Hi Jim,


    thanks for your nice comment. Using a polarizer helped getting the high contrast and the almost black water. I had to apply minor post processing. Yeah! does not look like being in the Cascades at all! That's why I feel this is a very special place in Washington state, nature at work! What you see on the distance is Adams, a place I'd like to visit someday.


    best regards,



  4. This is one of my first attempts at panning. Defititely not the greatest

    panning shot ever, but this was taken from around 30m, partially

    overcast and staying on a shaky boat. Besides the little bird flying at a

    considerable speed. Any suggestions for future shots??


    Thanks for your comments and ratings.



  5. Like one of those old BW photos with a working crew, your shot tells a story. Great mood, light and composition. Was it difficult to convince them to take the shot??





  6. This is the best picture of the Space needle I have seen so far. I like the dynamism that the slightly different exposures bring to the collage, which holds true for the rest of your collages in the portfolio. I would have only used a brighter frame for the red sculpture to the far left. As I said, excellent shot!





    Oregon Falls #3


    Hi Charles,


    nice capture of this spectacular waterfall! I just think the bridge/waterfall are a little bit too much to the left side of the frame, but this might just be personal preference. Would be nice to see a different crop, if this is a crop at all! Otherwise good balance between lights and shadows.



  7. hi Kurt,


    thanks for your comments on this one! Answering your questions...


    I didn't have much problem putting the five frames together with PS CS3, just press run and wait. But, I did use a polarizer, which I afterwards realized I shouldn't have, or at least I should had used it differently. The sun was hitting from the volcano side, so when I moved the camera leftward to shoot the five frames (I shot manual) there were some differences due to the polarizer being fixed and the light hitting at a different angle in every frame. I set the polarizer to minimize reflections from the lake, that's why it looks almost black (no post-processing on that). Due to this problem I had to adjust light at some sky stretches and at both lake ends, but I think it didn't work that bad after all.



  8. This stunning collage made me browse through your portfolio, and I have to say I was very impressed by your creativity. I love the way the different frames mismatch.


    Your work will inspire me for sure! Thanks for sharing!!







    Great point of view. Very smooth BW. The lines in the picture take my eyes to the runner! Good job!



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