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Image Comments posted by mbh



    Love this, the outside the window aspect is beautiful and the little man in the window sill adds a beautiful element of whimsy. You are quite a strong photographer finding beauty everywhere in this world of ours.

  1. Haunting treatment of a grand old building. It inspires me to take another crack at the old Courthouse in the county where I live. Of course, it only dates to 1903. Your courthouse is beautiful. I love that tree and the light in the foreground. But it's the fading highlighted portion at the top that gives this photograph a real emotional kick and why I called it haunting in my first sentence. It's this feeling of history fading before our eyes. I'm glad you've captured this beauty.

    The birds


    Love it, I rarely see so many birds at once this day, combined with the sea and sunset you've captured the essence of nature's beauty.

    His Fence


    Thank you Ruud and Tony. And a little secret, this man isn't actually a cop. He's with a firm called Gold Coast Security and his (now former, because my friend has moved on to another position) boss is a good friend of mine. Lol, makes me a bit less brave in taking the shot. At the time, his boss and I were talking about doing a little business together.  

    Heavy Load


    Thanks you Nikita. I always appreciate your insight. And a good point Jim. I should take that out, it adds nothing to the image. They've got those longer posts showing up periodically down that fence. Behind is a field often filled with cows, but that day it was empty.

  2. Thanks Jeff, Ruud, Nikita, and Ioannis,


    I've known these two girls since they were babies. They're both good friends of my daughter. I wish I could say exactly what's happening in this shot, but it's more lifting my camera and snapping the picture. I've got more shots of both running, which seemed to be their primary speed at times. 



    Thanks for the comment Stephanie. I had some shots where they were looking straight at me, but I found this more dynamic, though really, it probably just meant they weren't ready for me to click the camera.



    Quite well done, I love your depth of focus with beautiful crisp portraiture in the center and a gentle blurring in the fore and back ground. The bokeh is lovely; a great lens for portraits it seems. I've love a bit more detail in the black of her pants, but that's a very minor quibble, the detail is clear everywhere else.

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