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Image Comments posted by mbh

    Air Acrobat

    Love the color of the plane. The sky's almost too blue and the clouds have a bit of blue. But you really caught the plane, nice and crisp edges, love the image.


    Definitely a picture you must view at the larger size. When I saw it at the smaller size, giving it a cursory glance, it seemed an ordinary photo, then I saw the man on (or rather off) the motorcycle and noticed how crisp it was, the ramp, the tires and it became a rather extraordinary photo. Great job.

    Miss Kristy

    I like this image. It's cute, well thought out and beautifully rich colors. Ideally, I would see the shadows less blocked in her boots, I want more detail there and I wish the highlights in her chin and neck were less blown out, so we could see more of her face. This would also bring out the color in her lips more I think.


    I like this, vivid beautiful dress. My father used to send me embroidered postcards from places like Spain with images very much like this. Ideally, I would see it framed not quite so tightly at the bottom, leaving a strip of the verdant green below her feet. I'd like a little more sharpness in the girl. But in all, quite a lovely image.


    Deceptively simple, sweet depth of field, beautiful colors, and I love how my eye is drawn to those working and then back to the field.

    Old woman

    Love the expression, a strong image. It makes me want a closer view of her wonderful face, this photograph hints at so much, I see the texture of her arms, the worn face. I want to see her eyes and more of that weathered, beautiful face.


    Fun for you to shoot, fun for me to look at. Love the tennis shoes! And technically, the photograph is wonderfully strong, the details of the dress so clear.

    Mr & Mrs

    Such charm and fun. Your image brings to life an utterly adorable scene without being sickly sweet. I also appreciated the technical aspects of this photograph, perfect subject for black and white, excellent exposure, and nice work on the vignetting.



    This photograph shows so much of the man and his trade. You see him working and note his stained hands, the outlined tools with those being used taken down. He's intent on his craft, working. I love the lighting. One small point, I didn't understand. On his pants, there is that straight line between darker and lighter cloth. It's not quite a shadow and may have been caused by the lighting or something else throwing a shadow, but I couldn't tell, lack of knowledge on my part. In any event, I quite enjoyed this photograph, so strong.

    On The Field.

    Love the foreground of this image tremendously, the color, the birds, the dust, the setting. Overall, I feel good looking at this photograph. If I had a critique, it would be my wish that the sky and background hills had more pop to them.
  1. I love the colors, the green on the paving stones, the deep red of the doors, and that bit of yellow from the flowers on the right. You can see the age of these buildings as you look at the bricks. Your photograph really draws my eye in.

    Rhine valley 7

    It's amazing how they capture every bit of land and make it so productive. I've seen similar sights on tea farms in China. It's been so long since I've been in the Rhine Valley, I'll have to look through your portfolio and spot other images, refresh my memory. Such a crime to see power lines marring our lovely views.
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