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Everything posted by Bettendorf

  1. For Oct. 10th Coweta, Oklahoma, 2017 - Canon FL 35/2.5 - Ilford FP4+
  2. You better be careful. Won't be long and you'll have 'Photographer Staff' head-hunters flooding your email box!
  3. Maybe the new system is balking at your folder of multiple photos.
  4. I did mine the same old way too, size it to 1000 wide, click, drag, drop.
  5. St. Louis, Missouri - 1992. Morning kick-off flights have their equipment ready. Canon glass & Kodachrome 25.
  6. This is the answer! * $37 brand new. * Way "better" than single-use cameras. * Never be troubled with those pesky film details, such as: aperture, shutter speed, ISO, or focus. https://www.freestylephoto.biz/2005153-Ilford-Sprite-35-II-Film-Camera-Silver
  7. Bettendorf


    Keystone section in place. St. Louis, Missouri. - 10/1965
  8. I don't know Ralf, it looks like late1960's suburbia to me. The hip roofs, landscaping, and especially the half dressed girl in a Flower-child blouse. Maybe the one who ended up with the camera also inherited a 40 year old roll of film and started clicking away. Great work on the rescue.
  9. "The Brick" . Thanks for the article. It's good to see a write-up in the general media on a relatively unknown camera. The comments section, with enthusiasts inputs, runs longer than the article! Very telling.
  10. 'Atta boy! Determination and perseverance will win out in the end! :) gene m would be proud, wherever he is.
  11. Did you keep the 118 in the dark, or are you not going to attempt any makeshift processing?
  12. Large... and symmetrical. Hannah
  13. Looks like you’ve got another keeper Rick. Nice photos and camera.
  14. American Car & Foundry -- St. Charles, Mo. 2017
  15. And thank you Gary. Your photos got me thinking again about an inexpensive entry into 6x9. Mom's old No.2 Hawkeye Brownie just doesn't cut it! I found a rather pristine Pho-Tak FOLDEX 6.3 Folding Camera w/ Steinheil Munchen Cassar lens and bought it. 30 bucks and free shipping. The lens, which I can't find much about, ranges up to f22 and the shutter has B, 25, 50, and 200. I guess I'll find out Monday when it arrives.
  16. One suggestion before you send it. My 1984 A-1 started doing this even after Ken's 2009 CLA. It was in about 2018 after sitting around a while that it started hanging up. My remedy --- New battery. Crank, fire. Crank, fire. Crank, fire. Crank, fire... It's still working great.
  17. I'm right there with ya' brother. I've gotten several rolls of C-41 "process and scan" processing that turned out with lousy scans. I pop the negs in my meager CanoScan flatbed and it's a whole 'nother story. A difference between night and day.
  18. ...leastwise it was around here in Oklahoma. 7/2019
  19. Tulum, Mexico - Mayan, AD1200
  20. Does this forum have any Moderators?... Or should we change the name to "Romper Room" ?
  21. I remember reading about that quite a while ago. Can't recall if it was UV-A or B. I do recall that the price of the lamp at the time put me off. For the last year or so I've been shooting more B&W than color and will probably continue to do so, maybe even entirely.
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