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Posts posted by mathew_gardella

  1. <p>if you want macro and portraits, the 60mm 2.8 is the way to go however, i would also recommend the tamron 17-50mm for the kids on the move.... yes primes tend to be sharper but zooms allow for framing when the subjects are constantly changing position and in their natural environment.... i have the tamron and can attest to it's sharpness.... i also shoot portraits with the 85 1.8 501.4 sigma 30 1.4 and 24-70mm2.8.... all are good and useful in various situations.... good luck and happy shopping....</p>
  2. <p>if it helps, the previous owner said the lens still has two years left on the warranty however, i don't know if sigma will accept it because: 1. the owner filled out the warranty card with their info (i also did not know this) and 2. i don't have the original reciept.... i have never sent a lens of any brand in under warranty so i have no experience in this department..... i will aslo include a couple pics that i took under low light at night, in my dining room.... thanks for the help!</p><div>00TGDn-131611684.JPG.f792473e21ec8aea8c7160e65f08ad76.JPG</div>
  3. <p>I recently purchased a used sigma 30mm 1.4 for my canon eos 40D.... upon inspection, the lens has a large hair in the front element INSIDE the lens... it does not seem to show up in the pictures and the pictures appear sharp.... i looked on a 100% and could not see it either but don't know if this will be a problem later. can the hair move? could it eventually show up? can I remove it? are there any tests i should do to see if it affects image quality? i do have a 7 day return policy on the lens and am at a loss( i received the lens today)... i have never experienced this before and don't have hair in any of my other lenses..... for the record, it was purchased on ebay and was not described accurately in the listing.... what should i do? please help!</p>
  4. <p> It all depends on what you are shooting... if you need the distance and like the bokeh... get the 70-200mm..however, that is a lot of cash for the IS... maybe you should consider the regular 2.8 version.... the focal range of 17-50 on the digital body is the same as 24-70 on the full frame... i have both the 24-70L and the tammy 17-50mm both on digital bodies so the L glass gives me a little more reach... i personally like the L glass on my 40D to shoot portraits.... but as far as image quality.. they are close... for me the L wins but that may just be the red ring talking :>).... another option is to purchase the 70-200 f4L or 4L IS and use the $$ saved to buy a flash for indoor shooting.... however, the 85 should do you just fine for indoor low light distance shots.... in the end it is your choice however, choose wisely cause that is a lot of "beans" you're about to drop....getting paid for your pics will help recoup... otherwise, it is an expensive hobby.... good luck and let us know what you choose.</p>
  5. <p>i just bought the tamron 17-50mm 2.8 for similar functions.... you will need a lens like this for the shoot.... the cheapest is the canon 18-55 kit lens... you can get it for about 50-70 dollars second hand.... if not, i would invest in the tamron... it's the cheapest lens in this group and will give you the best quality.... good luck</p>
  6. <p>i had a similar experience as giampi... only they did release my funds after positive feedback was left... i would list them at photo.net and craigslist.... you should get around $2700 for all the items... just enough to pay for your 5D mark ii</p>
  7. <p>i agree with richard... sell the 17-85mm purchase a 17-55mm. then take the money from the sold 17-85mm, sell the 30D also, buy the 50D... be in debt..... but enjoy your new gear.... or just keep the set up you have cause' it works just fine for the type of shooting you do... :>)</p>
  8. <p>this is the second time i've had to write this. the first time my pc froze up and i lost the post. so please for give any spelling errors. :) First, thank you for your responses.... now let me clarify, I am shooting with a canon 40D and 20D. This means that if i am using any of williams prime lenses mentioned above, i would have to X 1.6 to allow for the crop sensor. That means that my 135L prime is really a 216mm prime. Therefore, i believe i would need a shutter speed of 1/216 or faster (probally faster!) to avoid camera shake. I don't think that will be possible from the back of a dark/ dim church. Also, i am not sure if i would be able to stop subject motion under these conditions with any lens! Hence the question do you think a zoom with IS or without is needed. I have been getting all sorts of opinions which i like however i am not sure all of them are accurate or have ever shot with the lenses mentioned under the circumstances noted above. My best guess is IS is a must for using the zoom ... i did mention that i have the 580 EX ii and if the church allows, i could use this to stop subject motion and brighten up the pics however, i don't want to disrupt the ceremony if i don't have too.... and i do like natural light.... I am looking to the zoom to get pics from the back of the church and also to get candid pics of people acting naturally at receptions and the like. Currently i shoot with the canon 40D, 20D, 24-70L, tamron 17-50 f2.8, 50 f1.8, and 85 f1.8.... My hope was that the zoom would also reduce the lens changing and keep things flowing more evenly.... i hope that clears things up for william and any others who are confused.... i am looking forward to your opinions and suggestions</p>
  9. <p>i am writing to ask your opinion. i am looking into purchasing a 70-200mm zoom to add to my lens collection to use for weddings and events. i am a canon shooter and can afford the 70-200mm f/4 IS L or the 70-200mm f/2.8 L (non-IS). i have never used IS and don't know if it is worth it. i also don't know if i will be able to handhold in a church at 200mm without IS and only 2.8 aperature. my current zoom is a canon 75-300mm f/4-5.6 and this does NOT work. If it helps, as of now, my telephoto is an 85mm f/1.8. good for the church, not good for reception when things begin to speed up. Also, i do have the 580 ex ii flash (when flash is permitted). thanks for your help.</p>
  10. <p>i use the 50mm on my 40D and like the results... it's about and 80mm FF equivalent. good for portrait work if that's what you like and the 1.4 aperture makes a nice low light fast action lens.... of course you would want a 30mm on the 1.6X sensor to mirror the 50mm pentax you own.... i also use the 85mm 1.8 on the crop for a 135mm FF equivalent and love the results... regards.</p>
  11. <p>I just bought a used 20D for $360 to use as a backup body for my 40D. according to the seller it had around 2000 clicks..... just a refrence for you. I think it would be better to look at a 30D for $500. <br>



  12. <p>I'm trying to decide which lens will be better to use. I am looking to have telephoto capabilities for wedding/ event pics indoors. I will be using a canon 40D body. My subjects will be fairly still (ie. wedding vows, guest speakers at events, etc) but i am not sure about the ability to hand hold at 216MM. (that's the 135 on a crop sensor). If anyone has experience using either of these lenses, i would appreciate their input. thanks.</p>
  13. <p>I shoot with a 40D and the 24-70mm and love the added distance that the 1.6X crop gives. Although you are not using this lens to its fullest potential on the crop sensor, it still gives razor sharp images. I also have the 20D as a back up body and have used this combo with little to no difficulties. If you plan to go FF sometime in the future, the i would recommend this combo. If not, then perhaps the 17-55 IS f2.8 is a nice choice.<br>



  14. <p>I am looking for a general zoom lens that will allow me to shoot weddings/ events both indoor and outdoors. I am looking at the canon 70-200mm zooms primarily but am willing to consider any third party zooms as well. I have read many reviews and am getting quite a headache from all the ups and downs but am interested in what you guys think.... also, the literature states that the canon 70-200mm f/4 will not work as well for indoor shots at weddings.... in churches and the like however, i am wondering what you guys think about using it indoors with the 580ex II flash. Currently i own a 85mm 1.8 and 50mm 1.8 for low light. I am shooting with a 40D and 20D backup. I also use the canon 24-70mm L and a Tamron 17-35mm for group shots. I am just looking to have some extra reach to get candids and portraits from a distance. Please let me know what you think and what you are using... thanks.</p>


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