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Posts posted by mathew_gardella

  1. <p>it depends, do you want 135mm 1.8 or a 160mm f2 on your crop sensor..... look at the pics you shoot and decide which one you use more... personally, i like the 50mm 1.4 on the crop sensor as it is approx 85mm and give you the 1.4 aperture.... either way, you cannot go wrong with any of these lenses as they are all good performers.... might i suggest, you sell the zoom and purchase all three! primes are nice, especially with those apertures!</p>
  2. <p>the points mentioned above are all excellent ones. I recently sold the sigma 10-20mm UWA and bought the 17-40L. My main reason was that i did not "see"the world from the UWA point if view. I prefer to shoot with my 24-70L and use the 17-40 for the wider angles when needed. My other reason is that i have two different size sensors. This is not always the best way to go as your ef-s lenses will not work on FF or APSH sensors. I shoot with the 40D and 1D mk ii and therefore must use EF mount lenses to maximize the potential between cameras. You will find mixed opinions on the forums about owning different size sensor bodies but each must decide what works for him/her. A third factor to consider is the build quality. The L series lenses tend to have a heavier more robust build which may be the deciding factor if you are particularly hard on your gear. They tend to handle "abuse" better than the more plastic ef-s lenses. as for image quality, it's a toss up... even some L glass produces sub par images. I do agree however, that it is better to have the right tool for the job today... good luck, and relax, enjoy the decision process and be thankful you can afford to drop the cash on such expensive glass....</p>
  3. <p>has anyone used this combo.. i am looking at this lens as an alternative to the canon for sports/ occasional wedding work... i am having trouble locating this lens. instead i find the mkII version in my searches.... has anyone used this version and if so, what do you think? also, what is the difference btwn this one and the II version? is it worth the extra $200 for the new model? thanks. (i am shooting with 1D mk ii and 40D at this time.)</p>
  4. <p>thanks for the input so far.... tommy i would love to purchase the used 5D but the funds must be used for other debt at this time... i do agree about the 30 and 10-22 though...do you really think i can get 450 (30D) and 600 for 10-20mm( it's a 10-20 i posted it wrong sorry)...? and what do you guys think about keeping three bodies for wedding work? is it worth it in case one body dies?</p>
  5. <p>sorry guys, here is the kit<em>:</em><br>

    <em>canon </em>1D mk ii ( two bodies ), 40D, 30D<br>

    canon 17-40 f4L, 24-70 2.8 L, 50 1.4, 85 1.8, sigma 30 1.4, sigma 10-22, tamron 90 2.8 macro(adaptall)<br>

    i am looking to sell some items to pay off some debt therefore, the 5D purchase is out of the question at this time... i would love to move to full frame with a 5D mkii in the future though. also, i do like the idea of three bodies for the occasional wedding work. (keeping in mind i like the 1.3 / 1.6 sensor combo to get extra reach out of some lenses if i need it)<br>

    I know that you don't know what i should do because you're not me.... i would love to hear what you would do with this kit and why.... thanks.</p>

  6. <p>i am looking to down size the following kit.... as usual, things have gotten out of hand and i need to thin the herd a bit.... i am looking for logical combos to see if i have missed any options.... all comments are welcome. I shoot mostly portraits and family type photos and an occasional wedding here and there... nothing full time yet but wouldn't mind if the business side picked up...(i would welcome more paid work but don't run out looking for it as i have a full time job to pay the bills)... here's the kit</p>
  7. <p>I have a canon 1D mk ii body that i am shooting with and cannot seem to figure this one out.... i have custom function 8 set to setting two which should allow me to see the iso setting in the top lcd screen and the number of shots left on the memory card on the rear lcd screen. the problem that exists is that the number of pics registerd is 68.... i have two new 4GB cf and sd cards with no pics taken... i am shooting in raw.... there should be at least over 100 pics available but more likely several hundred... if i change to a smaller format (ie. L or M or S jpeg.) it still reads 68.... if i put in an 8gb cf card (firmware has been updated to allow this) it still reads 68! any ideas? please let me know what you guys think... thanks..... ps. i have tried to take the battery out already.... thanks.</p>
  8. <p>I have both the 1Dii and the 40D.... i like them for different needs.. the 40D for extra reach with a zoom and for the style settings and ease of use.... the 1Dii for the fast af, high burst rate and overall build ( i just feels better in my hands)... although the controls are not as easy to use, you will get the hang of it quickly...oh , and don't forget about the two card holders! that's really nice when you want/ need it.... all, in all, i would take the 1Dii....</p>
  9. <p>i think you should consider TWO of everything... camera body, lens, flash.... what if one fails? you won't be able to get the shoot.... that being said, you could shell out the cash for a new system, or look to rent additional sony gear and after the wedding, take the payment and buy the canon system... good luck</p>
  10. <p>if you are starting out, i would recommend a second body as well as a second lens... what if the 1st body breaks? how about lenses? what if one breaks? you will have to shoot the whole wedding with an 80-200mm manual focus lens. That could be tough... might i suggest a second body and perhaps a canon 85mm f/ 1.8 prime for the distance shots. This would give you around 135mm with the aps-c sensor of the 20D. It will also give you low light capability. Or, perhaps the canon 50mm 1.4 for portraits? Either one can be had for $400 or less. Also, do you use flash? Do you have a backup? It is expensive to get started but if your equipment fails, you've ruined possibly the happiest day of someone's life... which is after all, preventable if you have backup gear.... It would help if you post some of your equipment...</p>
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