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Posts posted by sergio_leal

  1. How many pixel would I need in a small camera (like Nikon Coolpix 5000 or 5400) to get the same amount of information (detail) as a D100 and blow my images to equivalent sizes (with maximum definition)with the same amount of noise? Would there be any rule of thumb for this?

    Does it mean that I can print larger prints with a 6MP DSLR than with a 6MP small camera ???

  2. Come on guys, let´s not be prejudice...When you by a NIKON product it meakes no difference where it is assembled and you are still buying it from NIKON (the only difference is the final price you will have to pay). You are still buyind a Nikon product with the same high Nikon standards and warranty, arent´t you? I sure don´t believe the is any difference in quality in Nikon products made in Japan, USA or elsewhere.
  3. It all depends on you budget.

    If you can pay a few extra bucks for D-lens, do it. Maybe someday you will find yourself in a situation where it may make some difference.

    If you don´t want to spend the extra money, stay with the reguar AF non-D lens. I have an 50mm 1.8 non-D lens and it´s a great lens, tack sharp. Besides, I own some different D and non-D Nikon lenses and franky I cannot see any diffrence, no matter how hard I try...

    Other major brands like Canon, Pentax, Minolta, etc., don´t have D-lens and so what? Can we say that Nikon D-lenses perform so much better than them?

  4. Thanks everybody for your kind answers. It helped me a lot.

    I recently bought an used Nikon 80-200 2.8 for a very reasonable price and got myself an used Sigma TC APO 2X. So far so good... Thanks again!

  5. A few days ago I bought a Sigma TC (2X) for an old 80-200mm 2.8

    (push-pull type zoom)and the salesman at the store tryed the lens with

    the TC and my Nikon F90X and it worked flawlessly. When I got home I

    read the lens manual and it said thet it should me used "only" used

    with NIkon 300mm lens. Can the Sigma 2X TC damage my camera or my

    lens? What should I do ???

  6. A few days ago I finally purchased a gordgeous used Nikon 80-200mm 2.8

    lens (push and pull type) and although I am very pleased with it´s

    quality I´was surprised because there was no suport for attaching this

    heavy lens to my tripod. Is it possible to connect it to my tripod

    without an appropriate support?

    Thanx for any help.

    Sergio Leal.

  7. I have a Kodak scanner RFSpro 3600 (3600 dpi resolution) and aside

    from the fact that it is a bit slow and does not have ICE software (I

    can live with that), I need to know is IF there is a noticeable

    difference in final Scanning quality (overall shapness) when comparing

    Kodak RFS 3600 to Nikon, Canon and Minolta comptetitors (with the

    same resolution), when scanning in the same conditions and resolution,

    for a final 8x12 inch picture? Will any of these other scanner give me

    a BETTER picture?

    Will they all give about the same optical results?

    I appreciate any help.

  8. A friend of mine recently gave me an used Nikon 8008 (body) because

    the batteries melted inside the camera and damaged it (it doesn´t even

    turn ON).He said it was not worthed trying to get it fixed at Nikon so

    he gave it to me and wished me good luck.

    How bad or how expensive could it be to get it repaired ?

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