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Posts posted by sergio_leal

  1. I just purchased an old Konica Auto S2 and it has no hot shoe so it

    needs a sync cord. Is there any way I can use my Nikon SB-20 flash

    with it (some sort of acessory cord or other device that allow me to

    use it in a camera withouthot shot ?

  2. I friend of mine recently offered me a Leica IIIc for U$370.00 and

    is about to send me pictures of it (it is supposed to me in very

    good shape). Besides the fact that it is an old "mighty Leica", how

    good does it perform? Does it have a telemeter or it will focus like

    my Rollei 35T (distance scale)?

    Is it possible that this old respectable lady give better photos

    than the Konica Auto S2 I just purchased? After all, it ia a "Leica"

    lens (eventhough the quality of Leica lens must have improved a lot

    is the past decades, right?).

  3. I am about to buy an old rangefinder, either a Ricoh 500 G or

    Konica Auto S2 (or both....), but first I would like to konow if

    there is a clear winner in terms of lens quality and overall

    performance (sharpness).I understand that Ricoh 500 G has hot shoe

    while the Konica Auto S2 doesnt (but it looks sturdier, has a more

    solid feel). Both have fixed lens right? Are they both multicoated?



  4. I am about to buy one of these two rangefinders and I would like to

    konow which one is better. There are both in very good conditions

    The Ricoh 40mm/2.8 costs around U$125.00. I have a Rollei 35 T and I

    was offered to trade the Ricoh for may Rollei plus U$ 35.00.

    The Konica is also in good shape and costs a little less but has no

    hotshoe (Ricoh does). Will they give me equally good results in

    terms of shapness (are both lens equally good ??? ).What do you


    Thanks for any input.

  5. Which of the classic RF could be called a true "poor mans Leica". I

    am not conserned with aluminium body, titanium shutter, etc. but

    looking for an old, small, manual RF, with very sharp german lens,

    and the same time affordable (Ebay?). Rollei 35 w/Tessar lens would

    be one of these but it is not a true rangefinder (what a

    pity!!!!!!!). How do the old Minolta RFs behave in that range? Any

    other ideas?

  6. Yes, I know Gene, but I refer specifically to rangefinders. I have always heard that they are so much sharper that the best SLR cameras.

    Is tah so in this such case, I mean with this little Konica C35.

    I love SLR cameras but the sharpening myth of RF really bugs me. Besides, they are said to be very quiet and discrete.

  7. Does anyone in this forum have any experience with this little


    It seems quite good for the price I found purchased the other day.

    It looks beautiful but how sharp can it be? Any very remote chance I

    ever get a sharp picture as sharp as one taken with the very pricey

    Leica or Contax/Zeiss lenses (please dont laugh...).

  8. Thanks everyone for your valuable inputs.

    After so many people proudly stating they have the GERMAN version of this camera and that it costs more than the ones made or assembled (not sure) in Singapore, I wonder if there is any difference in the quality of the two versions. I understand that a BMW is the same, either made in Germany or in the US factory and the same must be true for Nikon products for example. Would the same be true for the little Rollei 35T?

  9. Yes, I am already in digital photography, but I still love to play

    with manual film cameras. I have been planning for some time to buy

    a rangefinder without spending too much cash on a Leica or a Contax

    (one of those old Minolta RF would be just fine for me), but I had

    no luck. I needed a real bargain. Today I purchased on Ebay an old

    (but in excellent shape) Rollei 35 T with a fixed 40mm/3.5 Tessar

    lens, an external Braun 310 BVC flash (never heard of it) and a bag,

    for about U$140,00. This little camera seems to have telemeter, and

    manually controls speed and aperture, is that right? Was it a good

    deal? I found a similar one in the used dept at B&H for 399.00 +

    taxes. It can be that bad, can it? It someone could just tell me

    that it can deliver me very shard images I would be more than

    satisfied with my new acquisition.

  10. Yes, I am already in digital photography, but I still love to play

    with manual film cameras. I have been planning for some time to buy

    a rangefinder without spending too much cash on a Leica or a Contax

    (one of those old Minolta RF would be just fine for me), but I had

    no luck. I needed a real bargain.

    Today I purchased on Ebay an old (but in excellent shape) Rollei 35

    T with a fixed 40mm/3.5 Tessar lens, an external Braun 310 BVC flash

    (never heard of it) and a bag, for about U$140,00.

    This little camera seems to have telemeter, and manually controls

    speed and aperture, is that right? Was it a good deal? I found a

    similar one in the used dept at B&H for 399.00 + taxes.

    It can be that bad, can it? It someone could just tell me that it

    can deliver me very shard images I would be more than satisfied with

    my new acquisition.

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